Sample Leave Application Form

sample leave application form modèles
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Download this Leave Application Form if you need a form for your employees to apply for a leave, or if you need to take a leave yourself. Print out your Leave Application Form file now!

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  • Ce document a été certifié par un professionnel
  • 100% personnalisable

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HR RH work travail HRM GRH Health Santé hr department départements des ressources humaines leave application form laisser le formulaire de demande sample leave application form exemple de formulaire de demande de congé leave application laisser application sick leave congé de maladie leave form Formulaire de congé illness maladie Leave Laisser short leave application demande de congé court application for leave demande de congé leave of absence letter for school school leave leave of absence from school congé scolaire leave letter for health problem format leave letter for school teacher school leave request school leaving certificate application leave report format application for leave of absence school leave of absence letter leave of absence from school letter template law school leave of absence sample letter school leave of absence letter in usa request a leave of absence letter for school excused school absence leave letter loa illness health leave letter letter requesting leave of absence from school mental health leave of absence letter

Are you looking for a Leave Application Form to provide to your employees or simply if you want to submit one yourself to take a leave?

Download this Leave Application Form template now! This Leave Application Form is needed when employees apply for a leave of absence.

In general, the manager or the HR department will send the form out to the concerned employee, and also signs off on it. By using our form, you will see that you will make it easier to implement leave approvals in your company. This Application for Leave template will, therefore, professionalize your way of communication towards your employees. This form is used by many HR professionals worldwide. 

We provide a template that will professionalize your way of communication with your employees or HR department. This Leave Application Form can be used by the company staff to apply for their leave in accordance with the companies policy. If you have more than one request, please complete a separate form for each leave application.

This Leave Application Form contains the following sections:

  • General personal information;
  • Verification activity by HR;
  • Remarks;
  • HR records regarding the previous absence, permits, sickness, other leave;
  • Employee superior authorization;
  • General information on how to submit leave permission;
  • etc.

How to submit the leave permission request?

The following is an example procedure that you can implement to arrange the leave approvals:

  • The employee has to submit a leave application form at least 14 days prior to leaving taken;
  • Leave application must be verified by HR;
  • A verified application will be taken to direct superior;
  • The original application will be given back to HR.
  • The employee will be given a copy.

After downloading, you can customize every detail and appearance of your personalized version of the Leave Application Form. 

Download, modify and print out your Leave Application Form file directly. Click here for more leave application form templates.

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