Guest Rent Agreement Sample

guest rent agreement sample modèles
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How to make a short-term rental agreement with a guest? Print out your Guest Short term Rent Agreement agreement now!


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  • Ce document a été certifié par un professionnel
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How to make a short-term rental agreement with a guest? Download this Shortstay Rental Agreement including an Inventory checklist now!

We provide a professional legal template of a short-term rental agreement between Airbnb Host and Tenant. 

Why do you need this Short term Rent agreement?

Airbnb and other short-term rental sites are a very welcome and important source of supplemental income for many people. Everybody must have heard the horror stories involving unwanted tenants or visitors. By taking some practical precautions you can help ensure that your Airbnb guests don’t overstay their welcome in your home (and neighborhood).

When you start to rent out your home on, for example, Airbnb or another short-term rental site, you are basically accepting a risk, by trusting that the guest will act responsibly in your house. You might give them instructions over phone or skype or guidelines via e-mail, but if you want to be sure that they understand and agree to your expectations, nothing beats having them sign a Short-term rent Guest Agreement.

This is a very basic Short stay rent agreement including an Inventory Checklist, and it won't scare the normal, serious and well-willing guests. It contains the topics, such as:

  • Guest information
  • Check-in date
  • Check-in time
  • Check-out date
  • Check-out time
  • Obligations of both parties,
  • Inventory Checklist
  • etc

Download this Guest Short-term Rent Agreement Template and consider making the agreement over email or hardcopy, and save yourself the time, cost or effort now and especially to prevent you from problems in the future! After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can customize every detail and appearance of your document and finish in minutes.

Print out your Guest Short term Rent Agreement agreement now!

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