Sample Staff Meeting Minutes

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How to write minutes of a meeting at a university? Check out this sample staff meeting minutes for a university conference now! Download this file now!

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Business Entreprise employment emploi meeting minutes comptes rendus des réunions sample meeting minutes exemple de compte rendu de réunion meeting réunion Will Volonté Technology Technologie Staff Personnel Plant Plante Staff Meeting Minutes Sample Procès verbal de la réunion du personnel

How to write minutes of a meeting at a university? Check out this sample staff meeting minutes for a university conference now!

We support you by providing this Staff Meeting Minutes template, which will save your institution time, cost and efforts and help you to reach the next level of success in your organizing and gathering structure.

STAFF MEETING MINUTES FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY PHYSICAL PLANT Meeting Held: FSU Physical Plant, Conference Room A Present: Mike Hughes, AVP for Physical Plant Fonda Kuzee, Manager Mark Eichenberg, Director of Plant Operations/Project Mgmt Kevin Jackson, Custodial Supervisor Will Gasper, Grounds Manager Roger Bula, Environmental Engineer Jeff Warner, Custodial Supervisor Ed Shepard, Business Services Manager Dan Sovinski, Plant Engineer Absent: Robert Kleeves, Custodial Supervisor Distribution: Jerry Scoby, VP Administration Finance Tom Weaver, AFSCME President MEETING PURPOSE: Continuation of discussion of Physical Plant activities.. On 2/24/12 the BOT Finance Committee will review the draft document of the Brailsford and Dunlevey study for the University Center, external/internal audit, resolution for the University Center design and pre-construction services and Phase 2 of the Housing Investment plan..

This blank Staff Meeting Minutes template is intuitive, ready-to-use and structured in a smart way. Try it now and let this language template inspire you. We certainly hope that this Meeting Minutes file will suit your needs. 

Download this Sample Staff Meeting Minutes now!

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