Employment Job Offer Letter

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Business Entreprise HR RH agreement accord employment emploi company entreprise shall doit Will Volonté The Importance Of Hiring The Right Employees L'importance d'embaucher les bons employés

January 12, 2010 John Smith 123 Main Street Champaign, IL 61820 Via email Dear John: We are pleased to extend an offer of at-will employment to you as a Research Scientist, at Company XYZ, Inc.. This letter, the attachment relating to Intellectual Property, Non-Compete and Non-Disclosure requirements (attached hereto as Attachment 1 and incorporated herein by reference), and the Employee Handbook, are all collectively what is referred to herein as the Agreement, and set forth the terms of your employment with the Company in their totality.. The waiver of a jury trial as a requirement for employment with the Company is detailed in the Employee Handbook, and you hereby acknowledge that you have read and understand the portion of the Handbook pertaining to the waiver of a jury trial and explicitly agree to the terms set forth therein..

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