Informal letter format

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How to format an informal letter? Download this Informal letter (letters written to friends and family) format template here.

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Life Privé Letter lettre informal letter format format de lettre informelle informal letter format borrow a book informal letter writing format formal letter format for informing informative letter format how to format an informal letter letter format informal

How to format an informal letter?  

When you draft a quick note to a family member, you can consider this already as an informal letter. They are personal letters and hence need not follow any strict pattern. They contain personal information and are subjective.

Main Body of Formal Letters:
Subject: The subject of the letter should be short and an introduction to the theme of the letter. It is the highlight of the letter or briefing line to introduce the motive of the letter.

 For example: “Permission for leave” “Complain against plastic burning in the society” “Request for permission” “Acceptance of funds”

Introduction: The introduction outlines the subject of the letter and elaborates the purpose of “why” the letter has been written. 

It usually begins with:

  • “This is to bring to your notice…”
  • “This is to inform you…”
  • “This is with reference to …”
  • “On behalf of…”

Main content:

  • It tries to provide maximum information for the concerned subject.


  • It is the complimentary closure to the entire letter. It should end with a vote of thanks and regards in order to form a good association with the recipient.  

Download this Informal letter (letters written to friends and family) format template here.

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