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28-Prenuptial_Agreement.doc. Easy to download and use .doc Law template.

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agreement accord politics politique property propriété Marriage Mariage prenuptial agreement accord prénuptial party fête government gouvernement law loi shall doit Private Law Loi privée Virtue Vertu Common Law Loi commune Social Institutions Institutions sociales Justice Government Information Information du gouvernement Civil Law (Legal System) Droit civil (système juridique) Civil Law (Common Law) Droit civil (common law) Parties Des soirées

Neither party waives the right to receive jointly owned property passing by survivorship, life insurance, retirement benefits, or other property passing at death when one party has designated the other as beneficiary or when the other spouse is the only permissible beneficiary.. If either party shall designate or nominate the other as attorney-in-fact, guardian, conservator, executor, trustee, or other fiduciary in an instrument signed after the date of this Agreement, the party so designated or nominated shall be entitled to act under the provisions of such instrument or an order of court, as the case may be..

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