Labor Market Survey

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How to write a Labor Market Survey Report? A labor market survey for senior-level economists should measure the number of hires, tenure status, special positions, and salary offers Download this Labor Market Survey template now!

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How to write a Labor Market Survey Report?

A labor market survey for senior-level economists should measure the number of hires, tenure status, special positions, and salary offers (expected vs. actual) to provide a comprehensive overview of the market conditions. In a labor market survey for senior-level economists, it is important to measure several key aspects to understand the dynamics of the market. Here is a summary based on the "Outcomes of the Labor Market for Senior Level Economists.

  • Number of Hires: The survey captured the total number of senior economists hired in the 2014-15 academic year, which included 22 senior assistant professors, 13 associate professors, and 11 full professors. This information helps in understanding the demand for senior-level economists in academia.
  • Tenure Status: Among the associate professors hired, 64.3% were hired with tenure, indicating the level of job security offered to candidates at this rank.
  • Special Positions: The survey also noted that 2 senior-level economists were hired for administrative positions, and 7 were hired to fill endowed chairs, highlighting the variety of roles available to senior economists in academia.
  • Salary Offers: The survey compared expected vs. actual salary offers for each rank:
    • Senior Assistant Professors: The mean expected salary was $, while the actual mean salary was $, indicating a 3.3% increase over expectations.
    • Associate Professors: The mean expected salary was  with an actual mean salary of $160,500, showing a 4.3% increase over expectations.
    • Full Professors: The mean expected salary , and the actual mean salary was, reflecting a 4.4% increase over expectations.
  • Institutional Comparisons: The survey also compared salary offers between different types of institutions. For example, all doctoral degree-granting institutions made average actual offers that were 5.4% above expected for senior assistant professors and 21.4% above expected for associate professors.

Using this Survey template guarantees you will save time, cost and effort! It comes in PDF format, is ready to be tailored to your personal needs. Completing your document has never been easier!

Download this Labor Market Survey template now.

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