Business Proposal Word

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How to draft a professional proposal that gets results? Download this Business Proposal Word or Google Docs template now!

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How to draft a professional proposal that gets results? Download this Business Proposal Word template now!

Great sales efforts can make a business! However, the opposite is also true. Therefore, it's important to take your sales serious right from the start. Certainly, have a look at this Business Proposal. When drafting a business proposal, it's important to make sure that it captures the attention of the readers, and therefore it's good to follow the following basic principals: firstly, make sure the business proposal is drafted by a specialized consultant, and that it's main focus is the needs of the customers and how these needs can be fulfilled by the advice or implementation of the solution provided.

Firstly, make sure that all the relevant requirements are known to the other party that is asked to draft the proposal. Also, emphasize any important steps that must be taken into account to successfully get selected by the organization. Further, create a solid marketing message what your organization has to offer the consultant that is awarded with the project. When distributing the business proposal, make sure that the channel targets those that can benefit from your help. Additionally, organize a local event based on your specialty or offer your services as an expert to a local newspaper or radio station.

A business proposal is a written offer from a seller to a prospective buyer in a formal and structured way. The basic structure of a business proposal includes the

  • title page, 
  • executive summary, 
  • introduction, 
  • problem/need, 
  • objective/solution, 
  • work plan, staffing,
  • budget, 
  • evaluation, and 
  • conclusion.

  • The title of the business proposal should identify what the proposal is about in clear terms. The executive summary provides basic information regarding the project, such as project objectives, solutions, costs, and methodology. This section has two aims:
  • Attracting the reader's interest to the details that follow.
  • Providing an orientation for the reader to delve into the finer points.
  • The executive summary, though placed first in the proposal, is drafted last, for it provides a gist or an overview of the report that follows. Ideally it should be limited to two or three pages, and not more than ten percent of the total report length.

  • The introduction component of the business proposal structure ideally covers:
  • The business entity in terms of company, partnership, proprietorship.
  • The major activities of the business entity.
  • A brief history of past relevant accomplishments.
  • The values and the ethical standards adopted in dealings with stakeholders. 
  • The purpose of the proposal. 
  • Credits, including the author and external sources who helped prepare the proposal.
  • Concise personal profiles (not resumes) of key people who would drive the project.
  • The contact details of the key person to contact for follow-up on the proposal.
  • The intended recipients of the proposal and any access restrictions.
  • The date of the proposal and its validity.

We provide this Consulting Proposal template to help professionalize the way you are working. For those in business, it's important that they always work with high quality document templates in order to grow the business faster. Therefore we invite you to check out and download our basic or advanced proposal templates. They are intuitive and in several kinds of formats, such as Pdf, Word, Google Docs, Xls (EXCEL including formulas and can calculate sums automatically), etc. 

Using this Business Proposal Word template guarantees that you will save time, cost and effort and enables you to grow the business faster! After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can easily customize e.g. visuals, typography, details, and appearance of your Business Proposal.

Download this Business Proposal Word or Google Docs template now!

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