Diabetic Meal Plan

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What is the best meal plan for type 2 diabetes? Download this Diabetic Meal Plan template now!

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What is the best meal plan for type 2 diabetes? Download this Diabetic Meal Plan template that will perfectly suit your needs.

Our collection of online health templates aims to make life easier for you. Our site is updated every day with new health and healthcare templates. By providing you this health Diabetic Meal Plan template, we hope you can save precious time, cost and effort and it will help you to reach the next level of success in your life, studies, or work!

Sample content of this meal planner:
1 small apple, orange, pear, or peach (about the size of a tennis ball) ½ banana or mango 1 cup nonfat milk 1 cup low-fat milk 1 cup low-fat buttermilk fat-free milk 1 cup honeydew or cantaloupe 1 cup plain, unsweetened, low-fat soymilk 17 small grapes ½ cup evaporated ½ large grapefruit lite, low-fat yogurt 1 cup raw broccoli broccoli ½ cup cooked 1 cup spinach and other greens 1 cup raw cauliflower 1 cup raw carrots 1 cup fresh pepper 1 ounce cooked fish 1 ounce cooked chicken (fat and skin removed) 1 ounce lean beef 1 ounce low-fat cheese cottage cheese ¼ cup low-fat 1 egg or 2 egg whites Less often, choose polyunsaturated fats and oils.. Also test at these times: Protein: ______ grams (_____ounces, or _____ servings) ___________________________ Fat: ______ grams (_____ servings) MID-MORNING SNACK at about ________ AM Carbohydrate: _______ grams (_____ servings) Starch _____ Milk_______ Fruit ______ Non-starchy vegetable_______ Protein: ______ grams (_____ounces, or _____ servings) Fat: ______ grams (_____ servings) LUNCH at about ________ AM/PM Carbohydrate: _______ grams (_____ servings) Starch _____ Milk_______ Fruit ______ Non-starchy vegetable_______ Protein: ______ grams (_____ounces, or _____ servings) Fat: ______ grams (_____ servings) MID-AFTERNOON SNACK at about ________ PM Carbohydrate: _______ grams (_____ servings) Starch _____ Milk_______ Fruit ______ Non-starchy vegetable_______ Protein: ______ grams (_____ounces, or _____ servings) Fat: ______ grams (_____ servings) DINNER at about ________ PM Carbohydrate: _______ grams (_____ servings) Starch _____ Milk_______ Fruit ______ Non-starchy vegetable_______ Protein: ______ grams (_____ounces, or _____ servings) Fat: ______ grams (_____ servings) EVENING SNACK at about ________ PM Carbohydrate: _______ grams (_____ servings) Starch _____ Milk_______ Fruit ______ Non-starchy vegetable_______ Protein: ______ grams (_____ounces, or _____ servings) Fat: ______ grams (_____ servings) 

This Diabetic Meal Plan is intuitive, ready-to-use, and structured in a smart way. Try it now and let this Diabetic Meal Plan sample inspire you.

We certainly encourage you to download this Diabetic Meal Plan now and use it to your advantage!

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