Divorce Agreement Clean

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Legal Jurídico agreement acuerdo insurance seguro child niño divorce divorcio party partido government gobierno law ley shall deberá Private Law Derecho privado Social Institutions Instituciones sociales Justice Justicia Government Information Información del Gobierno Child Custody Custodia del niño Child Support Manutención de los hijos Parties Fiestas Alimony Pensión alimenticia

WHEREAS, Petitioner and Respondent were married to each other on or about the day of , , in County, , and WHEREAS, Petitioner and Respondent separated on or about the day of , , and are currently living separate and apart, and WHEREAS the parties are parents or legal guardians of the following minor child(ren): , born , , and no other children are expected or anticipated in this marriage, the child(ren) hereinafter referred to as the minor child , and WHEREAS, a full and complete financial disclosure has been made by the parties to each other of all their respective assets, both joint and separate, the accuracy and truthfulness of which forms the basis of this Agreement, and WHEREAS, both parties have given much thought and careful consideration to a settlement of their differences and have determined that they are irreconcilable, and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intention of the parties that their relations with respect to property and financial matters be finally fixed by this Agreement.. Petitioner Signature Petitioner Full Name Respondent Signature Respondent Full Name Signed in the presence of: First Witness First Witness Signature (date) First Witness Name First Witness Address First Witness City, State and Zip Code Second Witness Second Witness Signature (date) Second Witness Name Second Witness Address Second Witness City, State and Zip Code NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of ) ) (Seal) County of ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20, by the undersigned, , who is personally known to me or satisfactorily proven to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument.. Signature Notary Public My Commission Expires: St

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