Daughter born Chinese year of rooster poster

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Download this printable a Daughter is born in the year of the rooster, it's a nice looking A3 poster template that you can easily customize to your needs

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  • Este documento ha sido certificado por un profesionall
  • 100% personalizable

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Education Educación daughter hija daughter born poster cartel nacido hija dauhgter hija year of the rooster año del gallo chinese new year 2017 año nuevo chino 2017 PowerPoint ppt pptx simple powerpoint templates powerpoint template best PPT templates free download Descarga gratuita de las mejores plantillas PPT professional PowerPoint templates free download Descarga gratuita de plantillas profesionales de PowerPoint.

Congratulations! Your daughter (will be) born in the year of the rooster? What characteristics have girls that are born in the year of the rooster? Download this poster about Chinese zodiac animal Rooster and the girls' characteristics now! 

We provide a nice looking A3 poster template that you can easily customize to your needs. This powerpoint template has two different posters. 

The first slide shows also the specific characteristics that the Chinese believe that people born in this year are, such as:

  • hard-working, 
  • talented, 
  • punctual, 
  • kind, 
  • capable, and 
  • adventurous.

The second poster only shows the image and the tag: "year of the rooster".

Using our special daughter is born in the Chinese year of the rooster templates guarantees you will have fun and save time and efforts!

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