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How should high school students format their resumes? How do you write a high school academic resume? Download our sample template now that can help you create a professional resume.

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Business Negocio Resume Currículum school colegio resumes CV's sample ejemplo Cover Portada High Alto Job Resume Reanudar trabajo Job Resume Examples Ejemplos de currículum vitae

How should high school students format their resumes? How do you write a high school academic resume? We have a sample template that can help you create a professional resume. Our templates are easy to use and can be customized to fit your needs. We also offer professional editing and proofreading services to help you stand out from the crowd. Download our sample template now!

Writing a high school student resume can be a valuable skill as it allows you to showcase your qualifications and experiences when applying for part-time jobs, internships, college admissions, scholarships, or other opportunities. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write an effective high school student resume:

1. Begin with Your Contact Information:
  • Include your full name, address, phone number, and professional email address. Make sure your email address is appropriate for professional communication.
2. Write a Brief Objective or Summary (Optional):
  • In a sentence or two, state your career goals and what you're seeking (e.g., a part-time job, internship, college admission). Mention what you can bring to the position or opportunity.
3. Highlight Your Education:
  • List your high school's name, city, and state.
  • Include your anticipated graduation date.
  • If your GPA is strong (e.g., above 3.0), you can mention it. If you've received academic honors or scholarships, include those as well.
4. Emphasize Relevant Coursework (Optional):
  • Mention any high school courses that are relevant to the job or program you're applying for. This can demonstrate your academic strengths or alignment with the opportunity.
5. Showcase Your Skills:
  • List technical skills (e.g., computer skills, programming languages) and soft skills (e.g., communication, teamwork, leadership) that you possess and that are relevant to the position.
6. Detail Your Extracurricular Activities:
  • Describe your involvement in clubs, sports, student organizations, or volunteer work. Mention leadership roles or notable achievements within these activities.
7. Describe Your Work Experience:
  • If you have part-time jobs, internships, or volunteer positions, provide the following details for each:
    • Job title.
    • Name of the employer or organization.
    • Dates of employment.
    • Responsibilities and accomplishments. Be specific about what you did and what you achieved in each role.
8. Highlight Awards and Achievements:
  • Mention any awards, scholarships, or recognition you've received, whether they're related to academics, sports, or extracurricular activities.
9. Share Projects or Personal Initiatives:
  • Describe school or personal projects you've undertaken that demonstrate your skills, problem-solving abilities, creativity, or initiative.
10. Mention References:
  • You can either include references on your resume or simply state that they are available upon request. References can be teachers, coaches, or employers who can vouch for your character and abilities.
11. Format and Style:
  • Keep the resume clean, well-organized, and easy to read. Use a professional font, and maintain a clear format.
  • Use bullet points to make the content scannable and concise.
  • Ensure consistent formatting throughout the document.
12. Tailor Your Resume:
  • Customize your resume for each application by emphasizing experiences, skills, or achievements that align with the specific job, program, or opportunity you're pursuing.
13. Proofread:
  • Carefully proofread your resume to eliminate typos, grammatical errors, and inconsistencies. A well-written and error-free resume is crucial.

Creating a high school student resume may require some effort, but it can significantly enhance your chances of securing a job, internship, or admission to a program or college. By following these steps, you'll create a resume that effectively showcases your strengths and qualifications.

Download this sample resume template now and make sure to customize your own resume to reflect your own unique skills and experiences. Include relevant keywords to help recruiters find you. Review the job description carefully and tailor your resume to the specific requirements of the position you are applying for.

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