Supplier Expense Guidelines & Requirements

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How to apply for expenses by suppliers? Download this Supplier Expense Guidelines & Requirements template now for your reference.

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How to apply for expenses by suppliers?

This Supplier Expense Guidelines & Requirements intends to effectively manage its project costs in order to support goals of remaining competitive in the marketplace and safeguarding the assets of its members. 

Since business travel represents one of USAA's most manageable operating costs, these expenses need to be effectively controlled. USAA expects that its Suppliers, Consultants and/or Contractors will use reasonable efforts to obtain economical travel and living arrangements while conducting USAA business. While guidelines for reasonable reimbursable expenses have been identified, it is impossible to anticipate every situation that may be encountered. For this reason, all unusual or unique expenses must be reviewed and approved by USAA prior to incurring the expense.

Travel and accommodation suppliers, who have an arrangement with your organization and offer discounts should be used for the airline, hotel, and car rental.

Download this Supplier Expense Guidelines & Requirements template now for your reference.

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