Veterinarian Job Description

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What skills are needed for a veterinarian? This job description template provides a sample that simplifies the process for the positions that you need to fill

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What skills are needed for a veterinarian? This job description template provides a sample that simplifies the process for the positions that you need to fill in. 

This Veterinarian Job Description has ways to grab its audience’s attention. It is crafted by HR professionals, intelligently structured and easy to navigate, and provides the major categories that you should include. For example:

Job title: the formal title of the position;

Reports to: the title of the position that the job incumbent reports to

Job purpose: a brief description of the general nature of the position; an overview of why the job exists; and what the role is expected to accomplish. The job purpose is usually not more than four sentences long for example Veterinarians care for the health of animals and work to protect public health. They diagnose, treat, and research medical conditions and diseases of pets, livestock, and other animals.

Duties and responsibilities: list the primary job duties and responsibilities using headings and then give examples of the types of activities under each heading. 

  • Maintains animal health by diagnosing and treating diseases and injuries.
  • Determines the nature of disease or injury by examining pets and/or large animals.
  • Restores animal health by treating animals surgically or medically.
  • Prevents rabies, brucellosis, and other disorders by testing animals and providing inoculations.
  • Promotes the health of animals by advising animal owners about sanitation measures, feeding, and general care.
  • Documents actions by completing and updating forms, reports, and animal records and reporting diseases to public health officials.
  • Enhances clinic reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests, exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.

Qualifications: state the minimum qualifications required to perform the job successfully, and include:

  • Education
  • Professional Certification
  • Experience
  • Specialized knowledge
  • Abilities
  • Other qualities such as personal characteristics
  • Skills, like:
    • Knowledge of animal behavior
    • Animal husbandry
    • Basic safety
    • Documentation skills
    • Customer service
    • Performing diagnostic procedures
    • Use of medical technologies
    • Job knowledge
    • Judgment
    • Integrity
    • Verbal communication

Working conditions: state whether a person has to work in special circumstances, such as shift work, working outdoors, working with challenging clients, etc.

Physical requirements: state whether the job is physically demanding like one is required to stand for extended periods of time, lift heavy objects on a regular basis, do repetitive tasks with few breaks, and so forth.

Direct reports: list by job title any positions to be supervised by the incumbent.

Approved by: signature of the person with the authority to approve the job description

Date approved: the date upon which the job description was approved

Reviewed: date the job description was last reviewed

Ideally, a job description should be reviewed annually and updated as often as necessary. Having a ready-made sample job description will save you and your Human Resources or Recruitment Department time, cost, and effort!

For that reason, download this sample job description now to reach the next level of success in your recruiting process to find the right candidate!

Also interested in other Job description templates? Browse through our database and get instant access to hundreds of free and premium Job descriptions or other HR documents, HR forms, and more to make you more effective and efficient.

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