Law School Recommendation Letter From Employer

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How to write a Law School Recommendation Letter From Employer? An easy way to start completing your document is to download this Law School Recommendation Letter From Employer template now!

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How to write a Law School Recommendation Letter From Employer? An easy way to start completing your document is to download this Law School Recommendation Letter From Employer template now!

You are requested by a student or employee to give a character recommendation letter? Then this example Recommendation Letter law school template will help you out. When writing a character recommendation letter for court, the following content of the reference is relevant:

  • Introduce yourself firstly, specify occupation, qualifications, etc;
  • Outline the relationship with the person who requested the reference;
  • Acknowledge the potential that the person can bring;
  • State your opinion of the person's general character.

Many of our day-to-day tasks are similar to something we have done before, like recommendation letters. Don't reinvent the wheel if you need a good recommendation letter for a law school.

“Dear Application Committee Members,
It is with the greatest pleasure that I have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for Name. My experience in teaching and advising Jane over the past year has led me to conclude that she is an exceptional student. I heartily recommend her for graduate level work in law school.
I first became acquainted with Jane this past January while she was enrolled in Research Methods.
As you might expect, the content covered in this class is usually not a favorite among students and many of them struggle to think critically about cause and effect relationships. This was not the case for name; she was already processing information in a logical manner and was exceptionally good at critical thinking. During the class name also made many valuable contributions to discussions and she was clearly a leader in her team projects. She ended up with an A in the class and was ranked 10th out of 1000 students. Name took a second class with me, Crime Analysis, this past summer. This course introduces students to descriptive statistics and data analysis using MS Excel. Students work independently on homework assignments that require analysis of large criminal justice datasets. As in her prior class with me, Name again excelled with this content. She clearly has advanced computer and analysis skills that should prove valuable in graduate training. By the end of the class she was ranked 3rd out of 95 students, resulting in another A. As Jane’s academic advisor over the past year I can also attest to her exceptional performance in classes taught by my colleagues and in courses taken at prior schools. Jane transferred to University after taking classes at several other colleges across a number of years. Her earlier transfers and breaks from school were the result of serious medical problems that required treatment and the fact that she has full responsibility for two young children. Despite these challenges, she was able to maintain a 3.8 GPA up until the point she joined PSU. Since coming to PSU she has completed 92 additional credit hours through the summer term earning her a 3.9 GPA. This easily ranks her in the top 5% of our students. At this point it should be obvious that Jane is an outstanding student with a real knack for academic study. It is equally important to highlight that she is also an exceptionally well-rounded individual with intellectual and social interests beyond school. For example, last fall she played a central role in organizing local political rallies during the gubernatorial election. She has volunteered for a number of other organizations including her local school system. Adding further diversity to her background is her prior internship with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations. In summary, Jane is a highly motivated, intellectually gifted, socially conscious, and well-rounded individual with clear passion for learning. I am confident that these characteristics will make her an exceptional law student and someday she will be an outstanding lawyer.”

Be Fully Prepared
You should do everything possible to make it easier for people to write a letter on your behalf or serve as a reference. We recommend the following steps:
1. Fully investigate all of the requirements for the application process.
2. Make a list of the 2-3 professors who know you the best and can speak to your particular strengths and accomplishments as a student.
3. Contact the people on your list at least one month in advance of the due date to ask them if they will write a letter on your behalf or serve as a reference.
a) It is usually best to make this contact in-person or via the phone rather than through email.
b) Explain what the reference is for (e.g., “I am applying to graduate school”, “I am interviewing for a job with the FBI”).
c) Explain why you have chosen that specific person (e.g., “I really enjoyed your Theories class”).
d) Inform the person what is expected (e.g., write a letter, fill out rating forms, participate in an interview).
e) Provide a clear due date for when the material needs to be submitted.
 1 Academic references and letters of recommendation should be from a professor or instructor. It is usually not appropriate to ask a graduate teaching assistant, staff person, or academic adviser for such a letter.
f) Recognize that most faculty members are on 9-month contracts with the university and do not get paid during the summer months. As such, there may be delays in hearing back from people during this time.
4. Based on your conversations, identify the professor(s) who will be your best advocate.
a) Remember that professors provide references on a strictly voluntary basis. If you sense that someone is reluctant to serve as a reference it is probably best to thank him/her and move on.
b) If no one from your initial list is willing to serve as a reference then you may need to broaden the pool, work harder to cultivate relationships with faculty, seek out non-academic references, or rethink your plans altogether.
5. Once you identify someone who is willing to provide you with a reference send them a package of information to facilitate the process. This should include all of the following:
a) A cover letter that includes your contact information, the list of schools/jobs to which you are applying, and due dates for each location.
b) A signed release form.2
c) All rating forms that are required by the school/employer or the web address necessary for online forms. With the former fill in all of the information you can in advance to save time for your recommender.
d) Your unofficial PSU transcripts with courses you took with that person highlighted.
e) A draft of your statement of purpose.
f) A copy of your best work from the person’s course (e.g., paper, presentation, project).
g) Your resume.
h) Stamped and addressed envelopes to send letters and forms directly to the schools/employers
6. After your application has been completed and the references are submitted send a note of thanks.
a) Writing a reference letter can take several hours and, as mentioned previously, this is done solely on a voluntary basis. As such, it is important to show appreciation for the person’s efforts on your behalf.
b) Most people also like to hear what happens with your application: whether you get into the school or get the job in question.

Instead, we provide this sample Law School Recommendation Letter template with text and formatting as a starting point to help professionalize the way you are working. Our private, business and legal document templates are regularly screened by professionals. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made template can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter!

Using this School Recommendation Letter template guarantees you will save time, cost and effort! It comes in Microsoft Office format, is ready to be tailored to your personal needs. Completing your document has never been easier!

Download this Law School Recommendation Letter From Employer template now for your own benefit!

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