Maintenance Log

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What does a maintenance log include? How do you write a maintenance report? Are you looking for a smart way to manage the maintenance of earlier purchased equipment from several suppliers?

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What does a maintenance log include? How do you write a maintenance report?
Are you looking for a smart way to manage the maintenance of earlier purchased equipment from several suppliers? 

In general, managing a maintenance log will provide you with the benefit you are performing enough preventive measure on your property, equipment or services that will be rewarded in the long term. It will retain its worth in the future. To ensure your equipment is properly cared for with streamlined procedures that are in place to ensure the necessary maintenance activities are performed, this log will be very useful. This ready-to-go equipment maintenance log helps you to make sure the right maintenance is done within the given timeline. And you can log all details, such as equipment name, serial number, date of latest maintenance, and other details in a database.

Many companies operating in the production and service industry, will have the need for maintenance of their machinery, products, equipment, etc. Maintenance of your most important assets is an essential job to perform regularly.

What would happen if you own an important machine and it gets corroded over time? It will certainly decrease its value, therefore to keep your equipment in a tactical and functional condition you need to maintain them on a regular basis. Same is the case with your real estate or other property and vehicles. If those are not maintained well, you will have a de-valuation overtime. To keep an organized maintenance program it is better to design an effective log (in Excel, etc) in which you can update your maintenance activities on all machinery, equipment or other items on a daily basis.
This equipment maintenance log is a very effective tool which helps you in a case of failures, damages & repairs.

Maintenance logs are crucial because it helps to preserve the internal or external procedures and work operation. The maintenance log is usually drafted in an agreement with your supplier or your customers. Often, this is an important need for these companies which must be arranged on a contractual basis.
We provide an Excel Equipment Maintenance Log template that will professionalize your way of administration. By using this Equipment Maintenance Log template guarantees you will save time, cost and effort!

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