Respectful Eulogy

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How to write a respectful Eulogy? An easy way to start is to read some example eulogies or funeral speeches, to help you write a personalized eulogy.

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How to write a respectful Eulogy? An easy way to start is to read some example eulogies or funeral speeches, to help you write a personalized eulogy.

This example Eulogy template with text and formatting as a starting point to help you write one yourself. Our private templates are regularly screened by professionals. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made template can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter for your eulogy.

Sample Eulogy

On behalf of my family, I would like to begin by thanking everyone that is here today and for those who have sent their condolences. We have received countless phone calls, emails, texts, flowers, meals, visits, and thoughts and prayers. They have been both comforting during this difficult time and have been a reminder of the impact that {{Deceased}} had on so many others.

My name is {{Name}}, I am {{Deceased}}’s niece and godchild. {{Deceased}} did not have children of {{his/her}} own, so {{his/her}} nieces and nephew were {{his/her}} children. As you can imagine {{Deceased}} was the coolest {{uncle/aunt}} any child could have ever had. 

{{He/She}}always had sporty cars with manual transmissions, horses to ride, free concert tickets, a wicked spin on the ping pong table, and a drive for adventure. {{Deceased}} was full of life, {{He/She}}was feisty, and {{He/She}}was downright fun. Most importantly, {{He/She}}had an eternal love for {{his/her}} family.

We weren’t {{his/her}} only loved ones. {{Deceased}} had a strong connection with the many animals {{He/She}} cared for over the years, especially {{his/her}} horses. Riding was a passion for {{Deceased}} throughout {{his/her}} entire life. I can remember at a young age watching in awe as {{He/She}} would gallop across an open field bareback without a care in the world. {{his/her}} horse and {{his/her}} pets were {{his/her}} family. Many people dress up for Halloween each year but few go as far as dressing up their Weiner dog as a hot dog, ketchup, mustard, toasted bun, and all.

{{He/She}} became an exceptional runner who completed several marathons which led to {{his/her}} qualifying for the Marathon twice. But just crossing the finish line wasn’t enough for {{Deceased}}, {{He/She}}chose to raise money for causes that honored those that had passed away before {{his/her}}. Often times, if {{He/She}}wasn’t preparing for      {{his/her}} next marathon or riding you would see {{his/her}} scuba diving, taking {{his/her}} family boating on the lake, or skiing.
{{Deceased}} found so much pride in {{his/her}} accomplishments as a {{business man/woman}} in the radio industry. {{his/her}} sense of humor, intelligence, and love of radio brought {{his/her}} a successful career and connected {{Deceased}} to {{his/her}} radio family that {{He/She}}thought very highly of and spoke of often. 

{{He/She}} was truly an exceptional {{man/woman}} that cared for others, at times to a fault. If someone {{He/She}} loved was hurting, by God so was she. Nonetheless, it was always a treat to get {{his/her}} to hang out with {{uncle/aunt}} {{Deceased}}. I will never forget {{his/her}} contagious laugh and lighthearted spirit. {{He/She}} taught me so much and I attribute the person I am today to {{Deceased}}. Because of {{his/her}} I was brave enough to run two marathons, buy a manual transmission car without actually knowing how to drive it, get my scuba certification, gallop across a field bareback, and to eventually become a fun-­‐loving {{uncle/aunt}} to my own niece and nephew.

I know that many of you may be angry that {{Deceased}} was taken from us at such a young age. But I would like to ask you to give forgiveness and celebrate {{Deceased}}'s life with me. I challenge you to run a 5K or even a marathon in {{his/her}} honor. Get scuba certified or ski down the mountain and think of {{his/her}}. 

Ride a horse and “clean the cobwebs out” as {{Deceased}} would always say, because during these times was when {{Deceased}} was {{his/her}} happiest. Find that piece of {{Deceased}} within yourself and continue {{his/her}} adventurous fun-­‐loving legacy in a way that will make you remember the person that we all knew and loved.

Until {{Deceased}}'s passing on Saturday, I never knew a day without {{his/her}} unconditional love. {{He/She}} was a role model, a caring and supportive {{uncle/aunt}}, and one of my greatest friends. I will deeply miss {{his/her}} every day for the rest of my life. Let us all remember the way that {{He/She}} touched our lives.

I would like to leave you with a quote that I feel directly represents the way in which I choose to honor and remember the beautiful, funny, and creative {{man/woman}} who was such an integral part of my life and the lives of so many others:

“In one sense t{{his/her}}e is no death. The life of the soul on earth lasts beyond departure. You will always feel that that life touching yours. That voice speaking to you. {{He/She}} lives on in your life and in the lives of all that knew {{his/her}}.”

{{Deceased}}, I truly cherish every moment I was able to spend with you. I know that you are at peace now.
I love you.

Using this sample eulogy template guarantees you will save precious time, which you really need right now. It comes in Microsoft Office format, is ready to be tailored to your personal needs.

Download this respectful eulogy or funeral words template and save yourself time. We wish you strength.

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