Kids Homework Countdown Calendar

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How to motivate your kid to make the homework? Download this ready-made Kids Homework Countdown Calendar for children that have homework at Primary school.

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Education Educación kids niños kids homework tarea de los niños Parenting Crianza de los hijos Parent Padre primary school escuela primaria

How to motivate your kid to make the homework? Download this ready-made Kids Homework Countdown Calendar for children that have homework at Primary school.

Keep the Kids Homework manageable with this Countdown Calendar. It can be used to stimulate your child to do his or her homework, by signing off on a daily basis for the homework that was done. It's not even about if it was successfully done, just if its done.

Good luck with this countdown calendar. Once the child finishes all the homework for 20 days, the sun will start to shine, and you can treat your child on something nice, such as a box of toys, a night in the cinema, etc.

Good luck!

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