Nursery Caregiver Job Description

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How to create a Nursery Caregiver Job Description? Do you need a job description template?

We support you and your company by providing this Nursery Caregiver Job Description template in order to simplify the process of developing a job description. It will save you and your Human Resources and your Recruitment department time, cost and efforts.

Nursery Caregiver Job Description
Note: this position is for three months and may be extended) The nursery caregiver will be present during the Sunday morning worship service to watch any children up to three years of age who might be dropped off in the nursery while worship service is in session.
Position Description (Note: this position is for three months and may be extended)
The nursery caregiver will be present during the Sunday morning worship service to watch any children up to three years of age who might be dropped off in the nursery while worship service is in session.

Accountability; The caregiver is directly responsible to the Personnel Team acting on behalf of the congregation as a whole. A volunteer age 17 or older shall be present in the nursery with the caregiver.
Hours; The nursery caregiver will be present from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Sunday mornings to watch any children who might be dropped off in the nursery while worship service is in session.
In case of emergency or illness of the caregiver, the caregiver will call the church office to notify the church of the absence prior to 10:00 AM.
1) Must be at least 18 years of age.
2) Must be patient and good with children.
3) Must be currently certified in CPR or willing to be trained.
4) Must be willing to submit to background checks.
5) Experience in early childhood education and child care are preferred but not required.
1) Greet and receive directions from parents and guardians as children are dropped off.
2) Provide a welcoming, safe and friendly environment for all children during the worship service.
3) Plan and direct age-appropriate activities for children during the worship services.

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