Scholarship Application Recommendation Letter

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How to write a Scholarship Application Recommendation Letter? Download this Scholarship Application Recommendation Letter template now!

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Business Negocio Education Educación student estudiante scholarship recommendation recomendación de beca scholarship beca recommendation letter carta de recomendación character reference referencia de personaje reference letter carta de referencia letters letras Students Estudiantes Formal Application Letter Carta de Solicitud Formal short recommendation letter for student breve carta de recomendacion para estudiante recommendation letter for student from professor carta de recomendación para estudiante del profesor reference letter template plantilla de carta de referencia simple recommendation letter for student carta de recomendacion sencilla para estudiante recommendation letter for student from teacher carta de recomendacion para estudiante de profesor best letter of recommendation for student mejor carta de recomendacion para estudiante sample recommendation letter graduate student ejemplo de carta de recomendacion estudiante graduado recommendation for student from employer recomendación para estudiante del empleador recommendation from employer recommendation letter student from professor carta de recomendación de la profesora sample recommendation letter school admission ejemplo de carta de recomendacion admision escolar recommendation letter graduate school admission carta de recomendación admisión a la escuela de posgrado recommendation from family friend letter of recommendation from friend letter of recommendation masters degree sample recommendation letter from professor ejemplo de carta de recomendacion de un profesor student as leader recommendation

How do you write a letter of recommendation for a scholarship? How do I write a letter of recommendation? Download this Scholarship Application Recommendation Letter template that will perfectly suit your needs!

Here’s a basic scholarship recommendation letter template that you can use to create the perfect scholarship recommendation letter for your student. Such a letter is also known as a letter of reference or recommendation letter. A reference letter is a recommendation from a previous or current manager, boss, supervisor, professor, coworker, peer, or personal relation of the requester of the letter, and it gives insights regarding the persons’ knowledge, skills, experience, awards, or aptitudes that he or she possess.

It’s common to use a reference letter during the search for a new job, project, or when you are applying for a program at a graduate school. Especially for students, reference letters may be required when applying for awards, funds, or grants such as a scholarship or fellowship. When presented selectively in a portfolio, reference letters provide compelling evidence to an employer or committee about your abilities. This blank reference letter is intuitive, ready-to-use when you want to recommend a person for a job position in another company or organization. Try it now and let this sample letter inspire you. We certainly encourage you to use this for your own benefit.

Scholarship Recommendation Letter greeting:

  • Dear Admissions Team, / To Whom It May Concern,
  • Dear Selection Committee:
  • Dear {{Name of Employer or Graduate School Committee}},
  • Dear {{Scholarship Name}},

Scholarship Recommendation Letter introduction sentences:

  • I am writing a letter on behalf of {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}}, an international studies student at {{University}} University who is applying for the {{Name Scholarship}}.  To get straight to the point, {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} is, without a doubt, one of the strongest undergraduate students I have had the pleasure of working at {{University}}. 
  • I am {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}}’s co-advisor for his/her honours thesis and he/she has enrolled in several of my classes. Most recently, {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} was the sole undergraduate student in a graduate seminar I taught titled Qualitative Methods. His/her performance was outstanding. I enjoyed watching his/her successfully grapple his/her way through some very difficult readings in social theory. Additionally, he/she was a discussion leader he/she grounded very difficult theory which helped alleviate some of the initial nervousness of the other students in the class. As I noted from his/her discussions, he/she is one of those rare students who can operate at an advanced theoretical level while keeping firmly rooted in an empirical realm.
  • Over the past year, I have watched {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}}’s interest in {{Studies}} blossom into a very powerful thesis topic on {{topic}}. My area of expertise is in {{area expertise}}; for this reason, I am confident when I say he/she has chosen a fascinating topic for exploration. As part of his/her research, {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} conducted a case study of {{topic}}. {{Explain qualities}}
  • I am pleased to write in support of {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}}’s application to receive a {{Name Scholarship}}. 

    Scholarship Recommendation Letter body sentences:

    • I know {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} well; he/she initially developed his/her thesis proposal in one of my classes and I direct a workshop in which he/she is bringing that proposal to fruition with other seniors.
    • I am also his/her honors advisor in {{Science}}, and I selected his/her to serve as the undergraduate representative to the department Undergraduate Committee, which I chair. We talk frequently about his/her academic interests, career goals, travels, and many campus responsibilities.
    • {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} is impressive and growing more so each year. His/her academic work is excellent: he/she writes well, he/she offers valuable and at times exceedingly insightful comments, he/she is always prepared, and on group projects, he/she elevates the performance of those around his/her. But without doubt his/her finest academic achievement is the honors thesis he/she is now writing.
    • I believe it will be among the best we have seen here in the last ten years, and we produce an average of eight to ten these a year.
    • {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} developed and refined his/her research proposal on {{topic}}. No honors student that I have worked with, let alone a sophomore, has developed a research idea, and then set up the appropriate fieldwork with comparable skill and determination.
    • {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} used his/her junior year to do advanced graduate course work on comparative methods. He/she then spent the summer conducting interviews and doing archival research. 
    • And what a trove of material he/she has developed! Rich, sensitive, and theoretically revealing interviews that demonstrate his/her grasp of the material and ability to connect with his/her subjects. I expect his/her thesis to make important academic contributions to our notions of identity and its importance to politics as wells as substantive contributions to our understanding of politics in regions plagued by years of conflict. My hope is that he/she will continue to mine his/her material and push his/her ideas in advanced academic work, preferably in Europe.
    • But to fully appreciate {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} you need to go far beyond his/her intellectual abilities. He/she is a force on campus and outside, but one who tends to work within rather than outside the system.
    • {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} is responsible, organized, articulate, exceedingly driven, and personable. Other students defer to his/her judgment and arguments. I chose his/her to serve on my undergraduate committee, which is engaged in an overhaul of our curriculum, for all these reasons. 
    • But I have been pleasantly surprised by his/her work on the committee because of the extent to which he/she has been such a forceful advocate for students’ interests. This is not the easiest thing to do—to tell three professors what they should be doing.
    • From the first day, however, {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} demonstrated the role he/she would play, and we quickly came to rely upon his/her as a vital participant in our deliberations.
    • I should note one or two other aspects of {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}}’s personality and character as well, in that they are so public and striking. First, he/she is aware and involved with contemporary politics, in particular issues important to youth. His/her work to promote voting among college students, his/her web broadcasts of the conventions, his/her active support of the quality team teaching program at the {{University}} Institute for Learning, and his/her recent involvement with the World Summit all demonstrate, to me, that he/she has his/her finger on the pulse of the college campus, American youth, and increasingly international youth as well. This is an essential part of how he/she defines his/her leadership skills. 
    • Second, {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} is wonderfully authentic. He/she talks about his/her accomplishments with joy, his/her failures with disappointment, and his/her plans with enthusiasm. Finally, he/she is ambitious without seeing himself/herself in competition with others. In a variety of settings, I have seen his/her contributions to other students and the larger community.
    • Having carefully reviewed {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}}’s data based on his/her case study, I can affirm that his/her work is top-notch and is on par with the graduate students in the geography department. Such a claim is no small matter. 
    • University’s {{Department}} is the highest-ranking department in the country based on a recent report by the National Research Council, so it is important to understand that I am comparing {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} with some of the best graduate students in the discipline.
    • Finally, {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} has a strong understanding of political theory and a strong intellectual facility. 
    • It is my great pleasure to recommend {{student first and last name}} for the {{scholarship name}}. I am {{his/her}} Guidance Counsellor at {{name of school}} and have had the pleasure of working with {{student first name}} on several committees and programs.
    • I can't stress enough my support for {{student first and last name}}, who has applied for the {{name of scholarship}}. 
    • I hold {{student first and last name}} in the highest esteem, and recommend {{him/her}} for the {{scholarship name}} without reservation.
    • I have known {{name of student}} for the past {{number of months, semesters, years}}as {{he/she}} has taken the following courses that I teach: {{list courses, give a brief description of the content of course}}. As {{his/her}} professor, I have had an opportunity to observe {{his/her}} participation and interaction in class and to evaluate {{name of student}}’s knowledge of the subject matter. 
    • {{He/she}} is an outstanding student in all respects. {{Name of student}} has proven that through hard work, follow-through, and teamwork, {{he/she}} can accomplish tasks in a courteous and timely manner. 
    •  {{Name of student}} is well equipped to grow from challenges that {{he/she}} is presented with. {{His/her}} {{list three key traits (examples: patience, teaching ability, strong computer programming stills…)}}, prepare {{him/her}} beautifully for your{{company/organization/school/program}}. I strongly endorse making {{name of student}} a member of your team at {{list company name/school/program}}.
    • I wholeheartedly endorse {{student first and last name}} as recipient of the {{scholarship name}}. I am the Principal of {{name of school}}, where {{student first name}} has studied for the past {{two}} years.
    • I see that the scholarship is intended to go to someone who demonstrates strong leadership skills. 
    • {{Student first name}} fits these guidelines perfectly. This past year {{he/she}} took on the primary responsibility for our school's role in the Enterprising Young People program. 
    • {{He/she}} collaborated with business students at Concordia University in tailoring the program to our student population.
    • {{He/she}} is also gifted in recognizing and drawing out the talents of others, and was able to put together and supervise a student committee to review the business plans created by the entrepreneurial students in the Enterprising Young People program. 
    • It is rare to meet a school student who is so mature, organized, and results-oriented.
    • I can whole-heartedly support {{student first name}} for this award.
    • {{His/her}} demonstrated leadership and vision have made a positive impact on our school community and I have no doubt that this will continue at the university {{he/she}} will be attending.
    • As {{his/her}} Math teacher, I can attest that {{student first name}} is not one to back down from a challenge, either academic or personal.
    • {{He/she}} finishes what {{he/she}} starts and never lets adversity get {{him/her}} down. Because of {{his/her}} bold vision and perseverance, our school now has a community-funded computer lab. 
    • {{Student first name}}’s dedication to that project continues as {{he/she}} supervises computer training in our community.
    • {{Student first name}}’s combination of academic achievement, leadership, and personal character make {{him/her}} an ideal candidate. 
    • Once you meet {{student first name}} you will see why I am so enthusiastic about {{him/her}}, both as a student and a young citizen.
    • Having {{student first name}} in my classes this past year has been a real pleasure. We have bonded over our common interest in golf.
    • {{Student first name}} is involved in a wide range of extracurricular activities, from volunteering at a homeless shelter to chairing our school’s environment task force and, of course, participating in the golf club (for which I am the faculty sponsor).
    • {{He/she}} tells me that {{he/she}} aspires to be either a journalist or an editor. Whatever path {{he/she}} chooses, I know {{student first name}} will excel and prove our respective schools proud.
    • This scholarship would go a long way toward helping {{student first name}} achieve {{his/her}} goals, and I strongly urge you to award it to {{him/her}}. You will not find a more worthy recipient.
    • {{Student first name}} is a true leader. {{His/her}} teachers tell me {{he/she}} often takes on leadership roles and guides {{his/her}} classmates in reaching collective goals. 
    • I have seen this firsthand in my dealings with {{him/her}} as co-chair of our school’s environment task force. 
    • {{His/her}} leadership has resulted in measurable improvements in our school’s environmental footprint. Specifically, {{his/her}} school-wide push to separate organic waste has diverted 28% of our garbage to compost, significant savings to our school district, and a model for the community.
    • I am impressed by {{student first name}}’s diligence and character.

    • {{Give one or two specific examples of the student's performance. Also, list other activities that the student is involved with at the university and outside of the university. Point out the areas in which this individual has learned and had the chance to grow with these opportunities.}}

    Scholarship Recommendation Letter closing sentences:

    • It has been a pleasure to have {{him/her}} at our school. {{He/she}} is most deserving of this award.
    • I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation for {{name of student}}. I highly recommend {{name of student}} to your organization for the position of {{job title}}.
    • He/she writes well and clearly and will complete his/her career at {{University}} University undoubtedly to much acclaim. He/she is a rare and gifted scholar and has my strongest support. He/she really is one in a million.
    • I believe {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} {{Mr./Mrs.}} {{Name Student}} is a natural to receive a {{Name Scholarship}}. He/she has a deep and sincere interest in Irish politics, and his/her work requires that he/she study with scholars close to his/her subject. His/her plan of study strikes me as well-suited to the opportunities the Scholarship presents.
    • Please contact me if I can provide any additional information.
    • Thanking you. 
    • Yours sincerely,

    What makes a good scholarship recommendation letter?

    • Write enthusiastic! Show off the character and personality of the person;
    • Provide descriptions of your contributions to the work/academic environment related to completed tasks on time or your strengths;
    • Always use action verbs to describe your accomplishments, skills, and strengths;
    • Make sure to use the active voice which indicates that you completed tasks and demonstrated desirable behaviors. Since the passive voice can indicate that events happened with or without your active involvement;
    • Explain how you performed the responsibilities required, and therefore it’s good to study some appealing  anecdotes;
    • If possible, a statement indicating people would re-hire you or collaborate with you on another project;
    • Structured and written to highlight the person's strengths;
    • Immediately clear about the purpose and position the person is seeking;
    • Brief, preferably one or pages in length;
    • Clean, error-free, and easy to read;
    • Using common business letter format;
    • No copying of exact words/phrases from sample letters without checking the context;
    • Uses the correct name of the University or organization;
    • Contact information including his or her full name, appropriate title, address, phone number, and/or e-mail address;
    • Expands upon their resume; do not repeat it verbatim in your reference letter as well.

    Educators are often using templates and forms, more than any other industry. Therefore, we support you by providing this educational Scholarship Application Recommendation Letter template, which will save your time, cost, and efforts and help you to be more successful in your studies or work! Keep in mind that this example recommendation letter is only a basic and simple letter template. You should spend some effort in tweaking the letter and add some of your own creativity and personality to it. In fact, we encourage you to do so!

    This Scholarship Recommendation Letter is intuitive, ready-to-use, and structured in a smart way. Try it now and let this template inspire you to complete your task quickly.

    We certainly encourage you to download this Scholarship Application Recommendation Letter now and to use it to your advantage!

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