Free Estimate template

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How do you write an estimate? Download this easy to download and use estimate template for your reference.

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How do you write an estimate in MS Word?

There are various types of estimates prepared according to their requirements may be classified as follows:

  • Preliminary or Approximate or Rough Cost
  • Area Estimate
  • Cubic Contents Method
  • Approximate Quantity Method
  • Detailed Estimate (or Item Rate Estimate)
  • Revised Estimate
  • Supplementary Estimate
  • Supplementary and Revised Estimate
  • Annual Repair (A.R) or Annual Maintenance (A.M.)
  • Estimate Of the above estimates, the first four belong to approximate estimates and the remaining five are detailed estimates.
This sample estimate can help you if you are pursuing one of those estimates. An Estimate or Proposal commonly contains the following:

  • Quality details of goods, services offered;
  • Quantity offered for sale;
  • Type of quotation;
  • Price per unit;
  • Currency per unit (USD, crypto, etc)
  • Payment  Terms (T/T, Cash, Credit, trade discount, discount,  etc);
  • Time, mode, and place of delivery;
  • Details of duties, Octroi, Patents, etc;
  • Details of packing, labeling, insurance, etc;
  • Misc, margins, errors, and omissions expected;
  • INCOterms.

This useful estimate will make the task a little easier and can be used for organization, analysis, accounting, and storage of data in order to increase your productivity. This estimate gives you a headstart and is useful because it also has the basic formulas included. If time and quality are of the essence, this worksheet can certainly help you out! 

Download this Estimate template for your reference directly to your computer, open it, modify it or print it directly. You'll see it is a great way to increase your productivity and to bring your task to a successful ending!

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