Character Witness Letter Example

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How do you write a character witness letter? What is a character witness letter example? Download this Character Witness letter example now.

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Life Privado court Corte recommendation letter carta de recomendación reference letter carta de referencia Reference Referencia reference of character referencia de personaje Character Letter Carta de personaje sample character reference letter for court reference template character witness letter for court example character witness letter for a friend character witness letter for child custody character witness letter for family member character witness letter army character witness letter for immigration letter of witness statement

How do you write a character witness letter?

When writing a character reference letter, the following content of the reference is relevant:

  • Introduce yourself firstly, specify occupation, qualifications, etc;
  • Outline the relationship with the person who is the subject of the legal proceedings. 
  • Acknowledge the changes that have been brought against the person.
  • State your opinion of the person's general character.

The following used cases are common good moral character reference letters for court from employer or family member,

  • for court family members,
  • for assault,
  • for drugs,
  • for custody,
  • for DUI,
  • for court child custody,
  • etc.

Character Reference Letter example:

  • Dear {{Name}}, 
  • I am writing in reference to {{Name}}, who is appearing before your court due to {{reason for court appearance}}. 
  • I am writing to tell you of the many fine qualities of {{Name}}, whom I have known for {{length of time}} in various capacities, including {{ways in which you know the person being referenced}}.
  • I have had the chance to get to know {{Name}}, and I say without a doubt that you are dealing with a person of very good moral character. 
  • {{Name}} operates with integrity, and never has a bad word to say about anyone. 
  • I am pleased to write a character reference letter for {{person whom you are referring to}}.
  • I have had the pleasure of knowing about He has been a close friend of my sister since they were in college. 
  • I have witnessed him growing as a smart, talented, and responsible person. {{Person whom you are referring to}} have always displayed a high degree of integrity, responsibility, and ambition in many of the aspects.
  • He is more mature than his years, expressed many of his innovative ideas during the university projects. 
  • He has more qualities of a leader than being a follower who I explored in many of his group projects along with my sister. 
  • He has excellent communication skills. 
  • A skilled leader who always maintained his professionalism.
  • Furthermore, he has a great ability to interact effectively and efficiently with his teammates and ensure that the project is getting done. 
  • He was always a topper in the class. 
  • In addition to his studies, he was able to hold two part-time jobs during his academics. 
  • So, I believe he would be more suitable for any position and be a tremendous asset to your company.
  • {{Name}} asked me to write a character reference letter, but the truth is that I was already planning on doing so before the request. 
  • I feel strongly about {{Name}}, and about {{his/her}} future, and I want to try to make you feel the same way.
  • {{Name}} is a person of good moral character.
  • I realize that might seem hard to believe, given the circumstances, but it’s true nonetheless. I have known {{Name} for {{length of time}}, and in that time I have seen {{him/her}} go through ups and downs, but all the while I have been convinced that {{he/she}} is a decent person at the core. 
  • {{He/she}} just needs more people to believe in {{him/her}} so that {{he/she}} can become the person I know {{he/she}} can be.
  • {{Name}} has made mistakes, and {{he/she}} is incredibly remorseful, and is willing to do whatever it takes to make reparations, financially and emotionally, if possible. 
  • But to do that, {{he/she}} needs you to give {{him/her}} an opportunity to get a second chance. 
  • I recognize that {{Name}} broke the law, and I do not believe that {{he/she}} should get off without punishment. 
  • I just hope you will recognize the power you wield with regard to the future of this {{man/woman}}, and make a fair decision.
  • I highly recommend {{person whom you are referring to}} for any position or job that he chooses to pursue in your company. 
  • I am sure that he will grow even more and do a great job for your company.
  • {{He/she}} is also hard working and dedicated, and never leaves a job unfinished.
  • On a personal level, may I just say that I really like {{Name}}, and I have no doubts about {{his/her}} abilities to succeed in the future.
  • Thank you,
  • Yours sincerely,

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