HIGH SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSON PLAN Unit: Tumbling Teacher: Catherine Peff Grade Level: Middle School Lesson 1 Content Summary: Students will learn different balance positions and jumps through guided learning as well as have a chance to explore different locomotor movements while traveling across the gym.. Closure How will you assist students in reflecting upon what they learned today and are prepared for tomorrow s lesson What homework will be assigned (if any) to help students practice, prepare, or elaborate on a concept or skill taught Remember: Include Transitions between lesson segments Include Cues Bullet points (concise) are acceptable as long as the wording is clear Provide actual questions/statements you may ask to elicit action for discussionEscapes Extensions: Extension or Running Early what appropriate activities could you add if you complete all other lesson development activities prior to the end of the period Running Late If you find you will not get finished in time, what developmental activities will you cut or modify in you lesson development or closure, without disrupting the flow of the lesson Meeting Individual Needs: Address basic variations for STEP (space, time, equipment, people)..
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