Reference Letter from Employer

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How do I write a supporting reference letter for an employee? What is a reference letter? Download this Reference Letter Template directly to your harddrive.

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How do I write a supporting reference letter for an employee? What is a reference letter?

Also known as a letter recommendation letter, a reference letter normally comes from a previous or current manager, boss, supervisor, professor, coworker, peer, or personal relation of the requester of the letter, and it gives insights regarding the persons’ knowledge, skills, experience, awards, or aptitudes that he or she possess.

It’s common to use a reference letter during the search for a new job, project, or when you are applying for a program at a graduate school. Especially for students, reference letters may be required when applying for awards, funds, or grants such as a scholarship or fellowship. When presented selectively in a portfolio, reference letters provide compelling evidence to an employer or committee about your abilities. This blank reference letter is intuitive, ready-to-use when you want to recommend a person for a job position in another company or organization. Try it now and let this sample letter inspire you. We certainly encourage you to use this for your own benefit.

Sample Reference Letter:

Dear {{Name}}, 
I am writing to recommend {{employee name}}. {{He/She/They}} worked with us at {{company name}} as a {{employee job title}}and {{reported to me/ worked with me}} in my position as {{insert your job title}}.
As an employee, {{employee name}} was always {{insert quality}}. During {{his/her/their}} time in my team, {{he/she/they}} managed to {{insert example}}.
I’ve always put a premium on {{insert quality}} among my team members and {{employee name}} never failed to deliver. An example was when {{insert example}}.
{{Employee name}} is a delight to work with and I wouldn’t hesitate to hire {{him/her/them}} again.
Should you have any further questions about {{him/her/them}}, feel free to reach me at {{phone number}}. Thanks, Yours sincerely,

Our collection of online HR templates aims to make life easier for you. By providing you this personal reference letter template, we hope you can save precious time effort and it will help you to reach the next level of success in your life, studies, or work!

Download this Reference Letter template now when you are asked to write a recommendation.

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