Sample Resignation Letters

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How to write a polite and concise resignation letter to your boss? How do I resign gracefully? Download this sample Resignation Letter samples now for your reference.

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How to write a polite and concise resignation letter to your boss? How do I resign gracefully? Download this Resignation Letter template now!

So goes a popular saying in The Netherlands used to announce one’s departure without having to go into details. There is a time of arriving and a time of leaving. A statement that says you are going to resign The date of your last day of work at the organization (based on the notice you are giving) A short explanation of why you are leaving A short, polite thank you at the end of the letter Other things your resignation letter could include are: Something positive about your experience in the job (e.g., the opportunity to gain experience or develop your skills) An offer to help make your resignation easier for the organization (e.g., an offer to train somebody else to do your job) Check out Youth Central s Jobs Careers pages for more tips and advice about your rights at work, how to find and apply for a job and more...

Whatever the circumstances of your departure, this Employee Resignation Letter can help you draft a polite and appropriate resignation letter. In general, a resignation letter should be a short letter, formally exhorting your boss that you are leaving your job and the company. Such an abdication letter can help you keep up a positive association with your company and boss by leaving with a solid and positive last impression, while likewise preparing for you to proceed onward. 

Writing suggestions for a resignation letter:

  • Inform stakeholders and clients: Make sure to communicate to any stakeholders and clients that you’re leaving, and inform them who will be replacing you. 
  • Encourage them to reach out while you’re still at the company if they have any questions or concerns.
  • Keep working hard
  • Continue to put in as much effort during your notice period as you did on your first day. 
  • Don’t miss work or come in late. 
  • Thank your co-workers and supervisors 
  • Avoid making negative statements about your company and/or colleagues, and don’t gloat about your new opportunity in person, through email, or on social media. 
  • You don’t want unprofessional statements coming back to haunt you. 
  • Leave on good terms 
  • Don’t air your grievances about issues you faced at work you never know whom you may be working with or for in the future. 
  • Depart professionally 
  • Make sure your company-issued devices are turned in promptly and that your workspace is pristine when you leave. 
  • Remove any personal items, and organize both your digital and hardcopy files properly. 
  • Don’t feel guilty about leaving! 
  • Remind yourself of your reasons for moving on, and focus on the new opportunity ahead of you.
Sample content of a resignation letter:

  • Subject: Resignation for position {{position}}
  • To Whom It May Concern,
  • Dear Mr./Mrs. Supervisor’s Name,
  • Dear Mr. /Ms. {{Last Name}},
  • Please accept this letter as notification that I am leaving my position as a Job..
  • I would like to inform you of my intention to resign from {{Position Name}} at [Company Name}}, effective two weeks from today, [Current Date}}.
    Please let me know what assistance you'll require from me during the transfer period.
    Thank you,
  • I appreciate the opportunities you gave me during my tenure at [Company Name}}.
  • Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from Position Name at Company Name, effective two weeks from today.
  • I trust the traditional two weeks’ notice is sufficient to transition my responsibilities and commence the process of identifying a replacement. 
  • If there is anything that I can do to ensure a seamless transition, please let me know. 
  • I wish you and the entire team at Company the best of luck in the future.
  • Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from insert company name, effective insert date. 
  • Please accept this email as my formal resignation as one of the co-chairs and as a steering committee member of the {{NAME}}. 
  • I have cc'd the membership on this email. 
  • While I will remain a member of {{NGO NAME}}, I have major concerns regarding your leadership and your commitment to racial and social justice issues because I feel that your actions have demonstrated a lack of accountability and transparency to membership. 
  • These actions included:
    • I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as {{Job Title}} for {{Company}}.
    • As required by my employment contract I am giving two weeks’ notice, effective today. 
    • My last day at work will be {{Date, Year}}.
    • As per our contract, I will be pleased to continue working during my notice period that ends on {{effective date}}.
  • I am also willing to consider leaving earlier should we mutually agree on a suitable process. 
  • Kindly advise me of the preferred handover process of any assets or loans that I might have.
  • Though I regret to leave the team, I greatly appreciate the support I have received during the {{number of years}} of service.
  • I want to thank you and staff for all the professional guidance I have received during this period. 
  • The company is poised for remarkable growth, and I wish you and {{COMPANY}} much success in all future endeavors.
  • Kindly let me know what I can expect as far as my final work schedule, accrued leave, and employee benefits entail. 
  • I have completed all my current projects well before their deadlines, and I am also willing to pass my responsibilities to my successor. 
  • I will happily train him and, if needed, I can also help in interviewing the replacement candidates.
  • Kindly consider this letter as a formal/official notice of my resignation from my position as {{name of position}} for {{name of the company}}. 
  • My resignation will be effective on {{effective date}}. 
  • This includes the notice period of {{number of weeks}} weeks.
  • As you probably already know the reason for my departure {{this is optional, you can either mention that you have received a new offer at {{Company}}, or that you are relocating, etc}}. 
  • {{Here you can thank your manager for help in getting the new position since you gained great experience while working with him}}
  • I would like to thank you for the many opportunities I have had with this organization. 
  • I would especially like to thank {{names of colleagues}} for their support and guidance and {{mention positive experiences you have had at the workplace}}.
  • I wish you and {{company name}} the very best for the future. 
  • {{Ask how you can clean off loans or accruals of assets that you might have gained from the company}}. 
  • I have given this decision a lot of thought. 
  • I have decided that it is time for me to move on and have accepted a position elsewhere.
  • Please let me know what I can do to assist with the transfer of my responsibilities before I leave.
  • Kindly let me know if I can be of any help during the transition and help my replacement into his/her new role. {{Mention that you will mentor the new person even after your last date}}.
  • I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and {{Company}} for having me as part of your team.
  • I wish you and the staff all the very best and also look forward to staying in touch with you. 
  • You can email me anytime at {{email}} or call me at {{phone number}}.
  • I wish you all the best for the future.
  • I will fulfill my responsibilities to ensure that the {{Training}} with {{Name}} scheduled for {{Date}} will be held successfully. 
  • My best to you in your future endeavors. 
  • Thanks again for everything.
  • Respectfully yours,
  • Yours sincerely,

Please consider it might cause some stress for the employer who needs to find a replacement. Therefore it's important to give the notice in time (especially check with your contract), with for example two or four weeks, which is often an accepted minimum period of time.

We hope you made the best decision and this Employee Resignation Letter can be of good use to you, in order to write a polite and concise resignation letter.

Download this Resignation Letter sample now for your reference. Good luck with your next chapter!

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