Is trading guns in Texas legal?
In Texas, you have the right to sell your firearm privately to others. If you are not in the firearms business, you can sell your firearms without a license. However, you must be careful who you sell your firearm to, because if you sell your firearm to an unauthorized person, you could be committing a serious crime.
Federal law prohibits the sale of most firearms, including handguns, to persons residing in states other than the state in which they are sold. A dealer with a Federal Firearms License (FFL) can sell a rifle or shotgun to someone who lives in another state, but only if it complies with the laws of the state in which the sale is made and the state in which the sale is made. The person's life will correspond to . Texas law does not prohibit Texans from buying guns in another state.
Please keep in mind that this only applies to private sales of standard firearms to other Texans within the Lone Star State. Do not sell or transfer firearms to non-residents without passing the FFL. This is a federal crime for both buyers and sellers.