First 90 Days Action Plan

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How to create a First 90 Days Action Plan? Download this First 90 Days Action Plan template now!

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How to draft a First 90 Days Action Plan? An easy way to start completing your document is to download this First 90 Days Action Plan template now!

Every day brings new projects, emails, documents, and task lists, and often it is not that different from the work you have done before. Many of our day-to-day tasks are similar to something we have done before. Don't reinvent the wheel every time you start to work on something new!

Instead, we provide this standardized First 90 Days Action Plan template with text and formatting as a starting point to help professionalize the way you are working. Our private, business and legal document templates are regularly screened by professionals. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made template can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter!

Using this document template guarantees you will save time, cost and efforts! It comes in Microsoft Office format, is ready to be tailored to your personal needs. Completing your document has never been easier!

Download this First 90 Days Action Plan template now for your own benefit!

90‐DAY ACTION PLAN District: Washington Elementary District School: Ocotillo Elementary Principal: Dr. Steve Murosky The 90‐Day Plan serves as a road map that provides clarity to specific priorities and actions that are most important during the next 90 days.. 90‐Day Action Plan – Priority 2 2015‐16 1ST SEMESTER 90‐DAY PLAN 3 Turnaround Initiative Focus Area (Big Rock): Teacher Action Plans School Leader Responsible: School’s Priority: (Given the goals identified, what problem needs to be addressed to achieve these goals ) Teachers do not have a specific plan or focus when it comes to planning “next step” instruction based on data analysis from Interim Assessments.. Murosky Week of August 17 ‐ 21 2015‐16 1ST SEMESTER 90‐DAY PLAN 7 APPENDIX A Year‐End Goals Purpose of Turnaround Initiative Priorities that Will be Addressed to Reach Goals Highest Leverage Focus Areas Desired Outcome from Addressing Priority (Big Rocks) Root Causes (Hypothesis) of Priority (problem) Actions to Achieve Desired Outcome Guidance Document Informed by data, SRA’s, PLE Framework, etc.. Emphasis should be on clarity and alignment of priorities.) Turnaround Purpose School Goals Clearly Evident Solid Progress Limited Progress Not Evident Is the school’s turnaround purpose clearly articulated, with language that will inspire stakeholders to become engaged and committed to the turnaround initiative’s success 2015‐16 1ST SEMESTER 90‐DAY PLAN 9 Have measureable school‐wide goals been identified using available baseline data Are there clearly articulated metrics to monitor progress toward goals Big Rocks School’s Priorities Are the identified priorities clearly articulated Do they seem appropriate and provide focus to the school’s specific needs Is there a strategic focus on using data to inform instruction evident Is at least one of the priorities focused on improving/aligning curriculum, instructional delivery, formative assessment, data analysis, or improving intervention practices Does the s

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