Nursing Notes

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How to keep track on nursing activities? How to make Nursing Notes? An easy way to start is to download this example Nursing notes template now!

We provide this Nursing notes template to help professionalize the way you are working. Our business and legal templates are regularly screened and used by professionals. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made template can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter!

Using this Nursing notes template guarantees you will save time, cost and efforts! 

Download this Nursing Notes template now for your own benefit!

Vital Signs/Pain/Pulse Ox: Temp: Location: O, A, R, T Apical Pulse: Rate = BPM Rhythm: Regular Irregular/erratic Thready Bounding Strong Respirations: Rate = Rhythm: Even Regular Irregular Labored Strained Moderate Shallow Deep With stridor / retractions / apnea noted Blood Pressure: / Arm: R / L Patient s Position: Lying / Standing / Reclining / Pain: Scale (1 - 10) Nonverbal cues: Loc: Onset: Duration: Quality: Client states, Neuro: LOC: Alert Oriented X: 1, 2, 3 Oriented to: Person, Place, Time Disoriented to: Person, Place, Time Affect/Mood: Alert, Flat Affect, Tearful, Confused, Pleasant, Glascow Coma Scale: Total Score= Eyes, open 4=Spontaneously, 3=to speech, 2=to pain, 1=n/a Verbal Response: 5=oriented, 4=confused, 3=inappropriate words, 2=incomphnsble sounds, 1=n/a Motor Response: 6= obeys commands, 5=localized pain, 4=flexion w/drawl, 3=abnrml flexion, 2=abnrml extension, 1=flaccid Pupil Size Reaction: PERRLA, unequal, misshapen, unreactive to light, no accommodation Vision: Left = / Right = / , Nearsighted, Farsighted, Astigmatism (L or R) Corrective lenses: Glasses, Contacts, Abnormal findings: Hearing: Normal, Loss (L or R) Degree: , Hearing aid, Pain, Ringing Rushing Communication: Lucid Coherent Incoherent Slurred speech Facial Symmetry: Symmetrical Unsymmetrical (location) Client states, Cardiac: Heart sounds: clearly audible, muffled at A, P, E, T, M Sounds are: with free of murmurs and / or gallops PMI: Location of palpation = Apical Pulse: Rate = BPM Rhythm: Regular Irregular/erratic Strength: Thready (+1) Weak (+2) Normal (+3) Bounding (+4) Brachial Pulse: Rate = BPM Rhythm: Regular Irregular/erratic Strength: Thready (+1) Weak (+2) Normal (+3) Bounding (+4) Temporal Puls

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