Money request letter

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How to ask someone for money in a letter? If you have difficulties and you need additional funds, check out this letter for asking money sample now.

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How to ask someone for money in a letter?

This is an example request letter that you can send to your boss, if you are in need for additional funds and looking for a way to ask for a favor. For example as an advance to your salary. 

Check out these sample sentences for a money request letter:

Dear Sir/Madam, 
I am writing this application to you so that I can ask for some favor from you. As you know about the salary package and all details about it, I want you to help me.
The issue is about money. As my sister is getting married next month, I want some money for making her dowry. Please do not discuss this with any other coworker.
I want only you to help me out, I promise you to give the money back as soon as possible. Thanks,

If you have difficulties and you need additional funds, check out this letter for asking money sample now.

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