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.pdfBy using this marketing Product Marketing template, you start with a strong basic template you can use to create the perfect one. Which is giving you more time to focus on what really matters! Using this marketing template guarantees that you will save time, cost and efforts and enables you to reach the next level of success in your project, work and business!
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Who are your customers • Male or female • How old • What education level • What type of work Profession • What level of income • How knowledgeable about your product or service • What factors (e.g., price, availability, service, etc.) influence this customer s purchase decisions • What other people (if any) influence the purchase decision • How would you describe your customers personality • Is there anything else unique about your customer Exercise: Think about the 20 of your customers who generate or will generate 80 of your business.. The following list of common marketing strategies may help your thinking: • Personal sales calls • New logo, letterhead package, company brochure • Direct mail • Newsletters • Print advertising (newspapers, consumer magazines, trade journals) • Media advertising (radio, television) • Trade show exhibits • Public relations (trade press, speechmaking, feature articles, community relations/community activities) • Networking • Discounts for large volume customers Don t try to implement all possible strategies at once.. For example, although a major television campaign might increase visibility for your business, can you afford the production and airtime costs Is television the most cost efficient way to target your customers 14 Develop a tactical plan for each goal: Goal I: Strategy A: Strategy B: Budget Timing: Goal II: Strategy A: 15 Strategy B: Budget Timing: Goal III: Strategy A: Strategy B: Budget Timing: 16.
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