Employee Statement Form

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Easy to download and use Employee Statement Form

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HR Personalabteilung statement Aussage form formular employee Mitarbeiter government Regierung law Gesetz Belief Glauben Epistemology Erkenntnistheorie Subject Gegenstand Truth Wahrheit

How to design an Employee Statement Form? Have a look at this sample of governmental employee statement form.

Example content to put on a formal statement could me:
I affirm that all the facts set forth in this statement are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I was directed by my supervisor to provide a true account of the matter(s) under consideration. The facts that I have to provide are mine and were provided without being influenced by any other party or person. I understand this statement will be used for administrative purposes, and the information shall be subject to verification. 

We certainly encourage you to use this Employee Statement Form for your own HR activities and are confident it will fit your needs.

Download this ready-to-use Employee Statement Form template now!

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