Mortgage Deed Clean

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After recording, mail document to: , This Mortgage Agreement (this Mortgage ) is made as of this day of , 20 (the Effective Date ) by and between , located at (the Borrower ) and , located at (the Lender ).. That for consideration of the sum of , together with interest of thereon computed on the outstanding balance, all as provided in the Loan Agreement dated by and between the Borrower and the Lender, attached hereto as Exhibit A (the Note ), and also to secure the performance of all the terms, covenants, agreements, conditions and extensions of the Note and this Mortgage, the Borrower does hereby grant and convey to the Lender, with mortgage covenants as described below, the land with the buildings situated thereon and all the improvements and fixtures now and hereafter a part thereof, located in the County of , in the State of with the address , and with the following legal description: (the Property )..

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