Monthly Student Reporting Form

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How to create a Monthly Student Reporting Form? Download this Monthly Student Reporting Form template now!

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Business Unternehmen Projectmanagement Projektmanagement student Student report Berichterstattung schedule Zeitplan progress Fortschritt Details Einzelheiten Monthly Student Report Monatlicher Studentenbericht Supervisor Dienstvorgesetzer

2.2 Dissemination of research and networking Please provide details of your attendance at any conferences, symposia, workshops etc in the last six months Please list any conference presentations/published works in the last six months 2.3 Placements/visits Provide details of any placements/visits associated with your research that you have undertaken in the last six months Describe any associated work or research benefits of the placements/visits and/or good practice that you may have developed 2.4 Generic and subject/professional skills training and development Give details of any training that you have undertaken in the last six months 2.5 Taught modules Provide details of any taught courses/modules you have undertaken in the last six months 2.6 Other information You may wish to use the space below to provide further information Section 3: Arrangements for the support and supervision of students 3.1 Supervision Detail the regularity and frequency of supervision meetings Describe the usual form of meetings (e.g..

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