In-State Travel Example 12 round trip cab fares x 2 staff members x 20 per round trip = 480 Justification Out -of-State Travel All out-of-state travel expenses are calculated per person on an average cost basis determined in the following way: Airfare 769 Accommodations 375 (average for 3-night stay) Per diem 196 (average for 4-days at 49 per day) Ground Transport.. Individually list each item requested and provide appropriate justification related to the project objectives.) Project-specific Telephone ( per year x direct staff) = 9999 Project-specific postage ( per year x direct staff) = 9999X Project-specific Printing Duplication ( per year x direct staff) = 9999X (Some of the Other items are self-explanatory (telephone, postage, rent) unless the unit rate or total amount requested is excessive..
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