What of cost was correctly posted ,,,,,, ,,,,,, Project,01-10-2007,01-11-2007,01-12-2007,01-01-2008,01-02-2008,01-03-2008,01-04-2008,01-05-2008,01-06-2008,01-07-2008,01-08-2008,01-09-2008 ,,,,,, D001196QC02,77 ,68 ,70 ,83 ,,,, D002743LB02,73 ,75 ,69 ,82 ,,,, D008763VM01,90 ,91 ,100 ,91 ,,,, D009441GS02,81 ,86 ,82 ,79 ,,,, Best in Class,90 ,91 ,100 ,91 ,,,, Average Performance,"80,25 ",80 ,"80,25 ","83,75 ",,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, Processing of Timesheets,,,,,, Benchmark Percentage of assigned employees who submitted a timesheet on time within the Project Management System.,,,,,, ,,,,,, Project,12-10-2007,26-10-2007,09-11-2007,23-11-2007,07-12-2007,21-12-2007,04-01-2008,18-01-2008,01-02-2008,15-02-2008,29-02-2008,14-03-2008 ,,,,,, D001196QC02,71 ,72 ,70 ,90 ,,,, D002743LB02,73 ,70 ,71 ,80 ,,,, D008763VM01,90 ,91 ,90 ,91 ,,,, D009441GS02,92 ,93 ,91 ,91 ,,,, Best in Class,92 ,93 ,91 ,91 ,,,, Average Performance,"81,5 ","81,5 ","80,5 ",88 ,,,,.
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