Travel Itinerary L Tourist Visa Request China

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How to create a Travel Itinerary for application of Tourist (L) Visa for China? Download this Travel Itinerary template now!

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How to create a Travel Itinerary for Visa application of Tourist (L) Visa for China? Download this Travel Itinerary template now!

We provide a Travel Itinerary template that will help you in your Visa application for China. 

For the application of a Tourist Visa (L) for China, you are asked to add a Travel plan in your Visa application file, The following is requested:

Issued to those who intend to go to China as a tourist. Document(s) required: 

Documents showing the itinerary including air ticket booking record (round trip) and proof of a hotel reservation, etc. or an invitation letter issued by a relevant entity or individual in China. The invitation letter should contain: 

  1. Information on the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth, etc.) 
  2. Travel Itinerary: Information on the planned visit (arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, etc.) 
  3.  Information on the inviting entity or individual (name, contact telephone number, address, official stamp, signature of the legal representative or the inviting individual) (see this example Invitation letter to China)
  4. Visa Application Form for China

A Travel Itinerary for Tourist Visa could look like this:

To Whom It May Concern,

I, (FULL NAME), (Passport number: (PASSPORT NUMBER), am writing this letter to you as a request to grant me a visa to China for tourist purposes. We have the following trip planned.
Day 1 (2-5-2018)
- arrival in Beijing, check into hotel
Day 2 (3-5-2018)
- go to the Forbidden City and visit the hutongs
Day #...

Find a full Travel Itinerary in the download file. Using this Travel Itinerary template guarantees you will save time, cost and efforts, and will help you in your visa application. Good luck and have a good trip to China!

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