Storage Space Lease

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How to set up a Storage Space Lease Agreement between the lessor and the lessee? Download this Storage Space Lease template that will perfectly suit your needs!

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  • Dieses Dokument wurde von einem Professional zertifiziert
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How to set up a Storage Space Lease Agreement between the lessor and the lessee? Download this Storage Space Lease template that will perfectly suit your needs!

Legal communication is essential to individuals and companies to ensure accurate information exchange and enable correct decision making for the parties involved. If you are in need of a simple vehicle storage agreement, this document can provide a useful solution. By using this easy-to-modify simple self-storage rental agreement, you have a good starting point in order to draft the perfect document for any kind of personalized legal matter. This Storage Space Lease template covers the most important subjects and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional and legal way with those involved. 

For example, think about the following:
  • Lessor is not responsible for any loss or damage due to fire, theft, water, wind, hurricane or any cause whatsoever to the property of Tenant, nor is Lessor required to carry any insurance to cover the same.  
  • Tenant, at his own expense, shall obtain his own insurance, if any, to the property stored in said premises.  
  • Tenant shall not sublease said premises without the written consent of Lessor.  
  • Tenant may not make any alterations to the premises without the written consent of Lessor.  
  • Etc.

Download this example Storage Space Lease template now and save yourself time, efforts and possibly reduce the legal costs in order to become more successful.

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