IPA Chart

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How do you read an IPA chart? Download our IPA Chart template and improve your skills instantly, which will impress the people on the other side of the phone!

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How do you read an IPA chart?

Are you looking for a suitable International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Phonetic Alphabet that is used by when you need to spell names on the phone? This is an overview of all relevant details that you need for making an International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). This IPA Chart is a set of symbols that linguists use to describe the sounds of spoken languages. This page provides a Do-It-Yourself Phonetic Alphabet template based on Phonetic Alphabet that will professionalize your communication instantly. This is a useful Interactive IPA Chart. 

Our templates are all used by professionals in different industries. 

Print out one of the following pages in this template, cut out the table containing for example the Western Union Phonetic Alphabet Letters, and tape it to the side of your desk or computer monitor. It will help you in your daily phone conversations. It’s always nice to make your own Phonetic Alphabet, so we added an extra column for you to fill in.

Using our IPA Chart template guarantees you will save time and effort!

Download our IPA Chart template and improve your skills instantly, which will impress the people on the other side of the phone! 

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