Complaint Letter for Poor Customer Service

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How to write a Complaint Letter for Poor Customer Service? Download this professional Complaint Letter template now!

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How to write a Complaint Letter for Poor Customer Service? Download this professional Complaint Letter template now! 

This easy-to-customize Complaint Letter is useful for any kind of situation that you want to file a complaint. An easy way to start your complaint is to download this example Complaint Letter template now. We provide this letter template to help you making the problem clear to the hotel regarding their bad customer service.

When you want to start writing a grievance letter, consider the following: 

Put your complaint in writing to a responsible person within the company that has the power to change the procedures, business, companies output:

  • Clearly write ‘Formal complaint’ at the top of your letter and keep a copy;  
  • Save all written communication;
  • Keep copies of everything, make a paper trail and always include any replies you get when you respond;
  • include enough information to make clear the issue;
  • being grieved but you should not try to make your arguments for your position on the issue in the letter;
  • keep it short and factual, mention dates and times if necessary;
  • If they communicate verbally—create a written record by writing them an email with a record of what was said in the conversation: “just to confirm our conversation today concerning grievance.
  • Make sure the grievant is updated with relevant information or developments;
  • Keep track of timelines.

Here is a useful sample of a Complaint Letter for Poor Hotel Customer Service: 

Dear {{Name}},
I am writing to you to file a complaint about the service that I was treated to in your hotel last {{Date}}.
{{Include the account of the events that happened and why you are making a complaint}}
Furthermore, I have included in this letter some documents which will support the claim that I am making.
In conclusion, I wish that this matter will be settled as everything that transpired has caused a great deal of stress and hassle on my part.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter soon.
{{Senders Name}}
{{Senders Title}}
{{Enclosures: number}}

We support you by providing this complaint letter template, which will save you time, cost and efforts and help you to reach the next level of success in your life!

Download this complaint letter template now and make life a little easier!

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