1. To keep the home insect-free: {{PERSON C}} will maintain an extermination schedule as needed.
2. To allow {{PERSON A}} some alone time (without siblings), she may request a 30 minute “time-out” where she will have no interruptions. {{PERSON A}} will not use any electronic devices at this time as it will be a chance for her to have some quiet time.
3. {{PERSON A}} will make her bed daily (Monday – Sunday) without being asked. When {{PERSON A}} has made her bed at least 5 out of 7 days of the week, she may have a friend (who meets the criteria of being a “good” friend), come over for up to 2 hours.
4. {{PERSON A}} will make 1 family meal a week. She will have supervision and will be responsible for planning a healthy meal, making a shopping list and preparing the meal.
5. {{PERSON A}} will maintain all A’s & B’s on her report card, as verified by the online system, Campus Portal. For maintaining these grades, {{PERSON A}} will be allowed the use of her cell phone, which is being paid for by V.
a. Cell phone may only be used after school & homework has been completed
b. Cell phones may be used during lunch & P.E. time if approved by the school
c. If cell phone is taken away at school, it will not be picked up by any adult for 5-7 days.
6. Family will continue going to the park, purchasing new rather than used clothing, and going to the mall and other outings.
7. {{PERSON A}} will do 1 chore a day, Monday – Friday without being asked. {{PERSON A}} will assign one of the following chores for each day of the week: folding clothes, setting the table, putting dishes in the dishwasher, cleaning the bathroom countertops, cleaning bathroom mirrors. If there are any changes that need to be made to this agreement, they will be discussed and agreed upon by {{PERSON A}}, {{PERSON B}} & {{PERSON C}}. E will also receive a copy of any changes to this agreement. Our signatures represent our agreement to abide by the criteria stated above on this