Teaching Job Offer Thank You Letter

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How to write a Teaching Job Offer Thank you Letter? Download this Teaching Job Offer Thank you Letter template now!

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How to reply to an acceptance letter from school for a teaching job?

Congratulations on the new teaching position you were just offered! You only get one chance to make a first impression! Don't reinvent the wheel, especially in your situan there are sample letters available to get inspired by.

Acceptance letters were already written before, it's easier to use a sample template than to start from scratch. You still have all the freedom to add your own personal features to the job acceptance letter.

Instead, we provide this standardized Appointment Offer Acceptance Letter template with text and formatting as a starting point to help professionalize the way you are working. Our private, business, and legal document templates are regularly screened by professionals. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made template can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter!

How to write a letter to accept a job offer:

  • Begin your acceptance letter by identifying the position and by thanking whoever sent you the job offer, and then make it clear that you have decided to accept it. Express sincere appreciation for the offer, and indicate your enthusiasm for the position (but don’t be mushy and over-enthusiastic).
  • Use your acceptance letter to restate the basic terms of employment as you understand them, including hours start date (if given to you), grade level, school, and terms of employment.
  • Restate whatever instructions you were given regarding such details as your work hours, appropriate dress, and where you should park.
  • Request clarification in your acceptance letter of any terms of employment that were vague in the interview or that concerned you afterward.
  • Express how much you look forward to filling this new position and mention one or two aspects of the job you will especially enjoy.
  • Type your acceptance letter in block or semi-block format, using three or four paragraphs, one page in length, and sign it by hand. The heading at the top should match your résumé and cover letter—usually your contact information. Put the date and name, title, and address of the person it goes to at the top left. The envelope should match the paper type just as with a cover letter.
  • Make sure your acceptance letter is professional-looking; check it carefully for grammatical mistakes, typographical errors, and misspelled words.

Using this Teaching job acceptance letter template guarantees you will save time and effort! It comes in Microsoft Office format, is ready to be tailored to your personal needs. 
The right stimulation will help you to achieve mutual goals faster and will benefit your results! 

After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can easily customize e.g. style, typography, details, and appearance of your Thank you note. 

Download this Teaching Job Offer Thank You Letter template now and Thank your new employer for the position you just acquired. Congratulations! 

Teaching Job Offer Thank You Letter sentences:

Dear Sir/Madam {{Name}},

I would like to sincerely thank you for your job offer to become 4th-grade class teacher at your School. With great anticipation, I accept the teaching job offer and I assure you that I would work to the best of my abilities towards the growth of the students as well as the institute.
I am looking forward to meeting the senior staff of {{Organization}} School on {{Date}}, to prepare for the class activities, study plans, and co-curricular activities. I am excited to utilize my resources and knowledge and educate the students with the best of my skills. With my experience and skillsets, I would work to ensure interactive classroom sessions, regular test cycles, and familiarity with each student personally.
I am delighted to seek employment at one of the topmost schools of the city and I assure you that I would prove my abilities in the best possible way. I look forward to taking over my teaching duties and responsibilities from the first week of {{Date}}.
I am looking forward to working together with you and to be part of the team and to meet the students.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely, 
{{Formal Name}} {{Title}}

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