Catering Agreement The following catering agreement is hereby entered into by: , of Hereinafter referred to as Client , AND The Road Kill Catering Company, LLC, hereinafter referred to as caterer , of 123 USA Avenue Anywhere, Anystate 99999.. Client agrees to a Date Booking Charge of Which will be posted as date line item on the final bill as such, The date booking fee is calculated as: 50 (fifty) percent of the menu base price, 50 (fifty) percent of total event cost including rentals, decorations, tax, etc.. Client agrees that a reversal on a credit card charge will not be allowed, and that if reversal does occur the Client is liable for 2 times the originally charged amount, as well as any chargeback fees and all other costs incurred by the caterer, including but not limited to, collection of the debt, bank charges, check charges, etc..
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