Calorie Intake Calculator

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How to make a Calorie Intake Calculator in Excel? Download this example Calorie Intake Calculator Excel spreadsheet template now!

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How to make a Calorie Intake Calculator in Excel? An easy way to create your spreadsheet is by downloading this example Calorie Intake Calculator Excel spreadsheet template now!

Not everybody needs 2,000 calories a day. Your needs are highly individual and determined by much more than your workouts. Use this calculator to find out how many calories you really need.

Minimum Daily Calorie intake
It is difficult to set absolute bottom calorie levels, because everyone has different body composition and activity levels.

Health authorities do set some baselines – these are 1200 calories per day for women, and 1800 calories per day for men.

These absolute rules don’t make sense – are you are sedentary person with little muscle mass? Or someone who is tall, muscular, and exercises a lot? Absolute levels don’t work – but do give us a starting point.

What happens when calories are too low?
  1. Muscle mass is broken down for energy (catabolism).
  2. Metabolic rate will begin to drop (typically) after 3 days of very low calories – this is related to, and compounded by the loss of muscle mass.
  3. With very low calories you risk sluggishness, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, and often irritability.

This Excel template is a great way to increase your productivity and performance. It gives you access to do remarkable new things with Excel, even if you only have a basic understanding of working with formula’s and spreadsheets. 

You will see that finishing such a Excel spreadsheet has never been easier! Download this Calorie Intake Calculator Excel spreadsheet now!

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