Sample character reference letter for a friend

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How do you describe someone's character for a reference? Download this good moral character letter template and customize it for a friend now!

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How do you describe someone's character for a reference?

This blank reference letter is intuitive, ready-to-use when you want to recommend a person for a job position in another company or organization. Try it now and let this sample letter inspire you. We certainly encourage you to use this for your own benefit.

Character Reference Letter Template:

  • Dear {{Recipient’s Name}},
  • To Whom It May Concern,
  • Dear {{name of friend}}

Body of the letter First paragraph.
The first paragraph is the introduction portion. The sender will let the receiver his intention of writing. In the first paragraph, it is usually the portion where one will make a greeting and would ask the recipient how they are doing. Included also in the introduction is the inquiry of the sender about the recipient’s health and if it is a reply letter about the receipt of the previous letter.

  • It is with great pleasure that I recommend {{Name}}.
  • I have known her for {{Number of Years}} years.
  • {{he/she}} has always displayed a high degree of integrity, responsibility, and ambition. 
  • {{He/She}} is definitely a leader rather than a follower. In addition to her excellent scholastic accomplishments, {{he/she}} has proven her leadership ability by organizing a hockey league in a location to provide young people an opportunity to compete and learn good sportsmanship.

Second Paragraph.
The second paragraph is where you shall exchange information. Start it by saying what you feel or your opinion on something he said. You can also discuss here any activities you have done. Try to inform the recipient of your recent achievement or interest or pursuits.

  • {{Name}} is also a most dependable team player. Her good judgment and mature outlook ensure a logical and practical approach to {{His/her}} endeavors.
  • {{Name}} would be an asset to any organization, and I am happy to give her my wholehearted endorsement.
  • After our days in school, he diligently looked for employment and nailed {{Job position}} locally. He is exceedingly passionate about his duties and treated them with the necessary seriousness. 
  • With his exceptional people skills, he helped staff members with their administrative responsibilities.

Third paragraph.
Under this paragraph, you are supposed to end your letter. You can tell here your feelings about your distance and wish the recipient friend luck.
{{Complimentary close}} casual signing

  • I exceptionally recommend {{Recipient’s Name}} for the job of {{Job position}} at {{Company Name}}.
  • {{Recipient’s Name}} is my close childhood friend whom I have known for {{number}} years. 
  • I watched his skills grow from humble beginnings ever since our college days where he majored in Management. 
  • I honestly believe he is the man for the job.
  • Unfortunately, the {{Company Name}} suffered an unforeseen fire and is no more. 
  • {{Recipient’s Name}} is a hard worker whose passion and devotion will positively impact your Gallery. I am confident to recommend {{Recipient’s Name}} for the post of {{Job position}}. If you have any inquiries about him, do not hesitate to ask.
  • If you have any inquiries about him, do not hesitate to ask.
  • Sincerely,

Our collection of online HR templates aims to make life easier for you. By providing you this personal reference letter template, we hope you can save precious time effort and it will help you to reach the next level of success in your life, studies, or work!

Download this good moral character letter template and customize it for a friend now!

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