Student House Rental Contract Incl Room Inspection

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How to draft a proper Student or Boarding House Rental? Download this a useful example of a Boarding House Rental template that will perfectly suit your needs!

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How to draft a proper House Rental? Download this House Rental template that will perfectly suit your needs!

Legal communication is essential to individuals and companies to ensure truthful, accurate information exchange and enable morally-correct decision making. This is important to give consideration on how to communicate and how to remain lawful in your day-to-day business activities. Therefore, communication in situations that involve legal complications, request extra attention. Using our easy-to-modify House Rental helps to make a perfect document for any kind of personalized legal matter.

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Download this professional legal House Rental template now and save yourself time, efforts and possibly reduce the lawyer-fees in order to become more successful.

Using our legal templates will help you to deal with the situation! However, this Legal template will help you dealing with this legal matter, we still recommend you to consider to find legal support in case you have doubts dealing with it the right way. 

Physical address for service Email This email address may be used as an address for service (strike out if not agreed) Phone (Mobile) (Hm) (Wk) Other contact address(es) PAGE 2 RTA02 Boarding House Tenancy Agreement Additional address for service (This may be a PO Box) Is any tenant under the age of 18 (Tick one) Yes No TENANCY DETAILS Address of tenancy (including room number to which the tenancy relates) The landlord must attach the following documents if applicable (please tick to show these have been attached or strike out if not applicable): Most recent House Rules for the boarding house Fire evacuation procedure applying to the premises Body Corporate rules (only if boarding house premises a Unit Title premises) Rent per week To be paid (Tick one) in advance weekly fortnightly Bond amount Rent to be paid at Or into Bank Account No.. CONDITION ACCEPTABLE ROOM AND ITEM LANDLORD TENANTS DAMAGE/DEFECTS Wall/Doors BOARDING ROOM Lights/Power points Floors/Foor Coverings Windows Blinds/Curtains Smoke Alarms Other List of furniture and chattels Provided by the landlord Signatures for Property Inspection Report Do not sign unless you agree to all the details in the Property Inspection Report Signed by Date signed LANDLORD Signed by Date signed TENANT PAGE 6 RTA02 Boarding House Tenancy Agreement OUTLINE OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES ACT 1986 (RTA) Please refer to the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 and amendments for the complete provisions.. The landlord may enter a boarding room after giving 24 hours’ notice to any tenant of the room, for any of the following purposes: ›› to show the room to a lender or registered valuer, real estate agent, expert, or building inspector engaged in the preparation of a report for the purpose of appraising or evaluating the boarding house ›› for compliance or preparation for compliance with any requirements regarding smoke alarms or insulation When entering a boarding room, the landlord: ›› must do so in a reasonable 

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