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Using this Vehicle Cost-Benefit Analysis Excel template guarantees that you will save time, cost and efforts and enables you to reach the next level of success in your project, education, work, and business. Download it now!
Make changes in the ""Per-Vehicle Costs"" spreadsheet.",,,,,,,, Units:,2007 U.S. Dollars Per Vehicle-Mile,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,"Table 1, Urban Peak",,2007 U.S. Dollars Per Vehicle Mile,,,,,, ,Mode,Average Car,Compact Car,Electric Car,Van or Pickup,Rideshare Passenger,Diesel Bus,Electric Trolley,Motor-cycle,Bicycle,Walk,Telework,Internal,Fixed,Market Units,Average Occupancy,Veh-Mile,Internal Parking,"0,08","0,072","0,08","0,08",0,0,0,"0,064","0,005",0,0,100 ,100 ,100 Veh-Mile,External Parking,
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