RACI Template with Instructions

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How to make a RACI matrix in Excel? Download this Responsibility Matrix RACI template with instructions how to make a RACI matrix and finish in minutes!

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Business Unternehmen Finance Finanzen Projectmanagement Projektmanagement Start up Beginner RACI responsibility tool Werkzeug für die Verantwortung responsibility matrix Verantwortungsmatrix project management Projektmanagement management Verwaltung responsible verantwortlich accountable verantwortlich consulted konsultiert informed informiert process managment tool Prozessmanagement Tool process management tool Prozessmanagement Tool raci responsibilities rassische Verantwortlichkeiten raci responsibility matrix Raci Verantwortungsmatrix raci tool Raci Werkzeug raci chart RACI-Diagramm raci matrix Racimatrix responsibility assignment matrix Zuständigkeitsmatrix daci Daci rasci matrix Rasci Matrix how to make a raci matrix in excel wie man eine raci Matrix in Excel erstellt how to make a RACI matrix wie man eine RACI-Matrix erstellt raci excel raci übertreffen excel raci übertreffen raci what is raci was ist raci roles and responsibilities Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten rasic responsible vs accountable raci matrix rules RACI-Matrix-Regeln raci matrix for software development Raci Matrix für die Softwareentwicklung raci matrix for construction project benefits of raci matrix Vorteile der RACI Matrix raci exercise disadvantages of raci matrix raci matrix template raci template smartsheet responsible accountable interested rasci vs raci Rasci gegen Raci tesla raci chart Tesla Raci-Diagramm raci fields raci model for change management rasci template roles and responsibilities template racis chart raci lite raci model template raci alternatives raci vs daci raci ideas RACI-Ideen construction project responsibility matrix raci matrix template excel free raci consulted vs informed project roles and responsibilities chart raci introduction six sigma raci raci model benefits Vorteile des RACI-Modells asq raci modelo ng rasci raci vs racio o cairo

How to make a RACI Matrix? Are you looking for a professional RACI matrix template? Download this RACI Template as Excel Matrix now. 

We provide a professional Excel Template for you to make a RACI matrix, also known as: 'Responsibility assignment matrix'.

What is a RACI matrix?
The RACI matrix is a diagram which is used to describe the responsibilities of various roles in project tasks or deliverables. It's an abbreviation for: 

Responsible: Those who are responsible for the implementation of the task and achievement of the deliverable. There is commonly one role with a participation type of responsible, although others can be delegated to assist in the work that is required 

Accountable (also known as Final Approving Authority or Approver): There can only be one person who is ultimately accountable for the correct and thorough completion of each task or deliverable. The Accountable is the person who must sign off (Approve) on the work that the Responsible provides. Therefore, the Responsible is accountable to him/her.

Consulted (sometimes Counsel): Those whose opinions are required; and with whom there is two-way communication. 

Informed: those who are kept up-to-date about the decisions on the development, achievements of the task or deliverable; this is only one-way communication.

There are a number of alternatives to the RACI participation types which are also explained in this template: 

  • RASCI model (RASIC)
  • RACI-VS 
  • DACI
  • etc
Feel free to download our basic or advanced template designs, they are intuitive and in several kinds of formats, such as PDF, WORD, XLS, etc.

Print out your RACI template now! Fast, safe and easy!

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Guest: Many thanks for the Excel template. I thought I would never find one available in XLS format.
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Guest: Finally somebody took the time to create a complete Raci Excel Template. Many thanks!
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Guest: Very good Raci template. Helped me a lot!
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