Reading Log PDF

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What is a reading log? How to use a reading log? Download this reading log template directly to your computer

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What is a reading log? How to use a reading log?

In a reading log the title and material which are read, or are planned to read, can be read and the total number of pages read from that source. A reading log commonly includes the following:

  • There are three sections to this document:
  • Title page:
  • Material type: a Book, Magazine, individual Article, other.
  • Daily Reading Log: Submission of a daily log is not required, but many people find it helpful for keeping track of the pages read each day for easier totaling on the Book List Form. 
  • If you keep a daily log, please use this form and submit it with the cover sheet and Book List Form.

This useful Reading Log gives you a generic framework. If time and quality are of the essence, this worksheet can certainly help you out! 

Download this printable reading log template directly to your computer. If you need a Reading Log Word template, than go here, modify it or print it directly. You'll see it is a great way to increase your productivity and to bring your task to a successful ending!

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