Promotion Inquiry Letter

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How to ask for a promotion and how to write a Job Promotion Inquiry Letter? Download this Promotion Inquiry Letter template now!

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How to ask for a promotion and how to write a Job Promotion Inquiry Letter? Download this Promotion Inquiry Letter template now!

We support you and your company by providing this Job Promotion Inquiry Letter template, which will save your time, cost, and efforts and help you to reach the next level of success in your work, education, and business! You can write this letter to inquire about the status of your job promotion.

Sample request for promotion consideration email:

Dear Mr. / Mrs. {{Name}},
I am writing this letter to inquire about the status of my promotion. I was verbally informed by my department head last month that I have a pending promotion. I was informed to await the decision of the company within two weeks, but I have yet to receive any news about the matter.
I have been recommended for promotion for two years now. I have been working in the company for ten years and I hope that my promotion will be approved this time. I have already submitted pertinent documents asked of me for the process of promotion.
I am a dedicated and hard-working employee and I do hope for your positive response. Thank you. I look forward to your action.

The promotion letter of inquiry should be brief -no more than one or two pages- and must be a succinct but thorough presentation of the need or problem you have identified, the proposed solution, and your personal qualifications to legitimize your request. The letter of inquiry should be addressed to the appropriate contact person, boss or CEO and should be sent by regular mail or email.

A job promotion inquiry letter should include:
  • an introduction;
  • a statement of need;
  • your methodology;
  • a brief discussion of options;
  • and a final summary.

This blank promotion inquiry letter template has ways to grab your boss' attention. They are intuitive, ready-to-use, and logically structured. Pay close attention to the most downloaded business, legal or life templates that will fit your needs. 

Download this Job Promotion Inquiry Letter template now!

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