Ukraine Flag

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What color is the Ukraine flag? Why is Ukrainian flag blue and yellow? Download our free Ukraine Flag template and print it out in any size you need.

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What color is the Ukraine flag? What does the Ukraine flag mean? Why is the Ukrainian flag blue and yellow? Download our free Ukraine Flag template and print it out in any size you need. This template is professionally designed and free to download. It's the perfect way to show off your Ukrainian pride.

The flag of Ukraine consists of two horizontal bands of equal width, with the upper band being light blue and the lower band being yellow. The flag has a simple and distinctive design, and its colors have specific symbolism.

The official interpretation of the colors of the Ukrainian flag is as follows:
  • Blue:
    • The blue color represents the sky, and it symbolizes the hope and aspirations of the Ukrainian people for a better future.
  • Yellow:
    • The yellow color represents the golden fields of wheat and the country's agricultural wealth. It is also associated with the traditional color of the Ukrainian national identity.
The flag of Ukraine was adopted on January 28, 1992, shortly after the country gained independence from the Soviet Union. The blue and yellow colors have deep historical and cultural roots in Ukraine, dating back to the medieval state of Kyivan Rus. The flag reflects the nation's identity, history, and the desire for a prosperous and independent future.

It's a great way to become more familiar with the world's flags. This template provides you with nice designs that are all based on the flag of Ukraine. This template guarantees your family a great learning experience with lots of fun that stimulates your brain and memory!

This template for a printable flag of Ukraine consists of:

  • printable Ukraine flag A4 size
  • printable Ukraine flag A5 size
  • printable Ukraine 8 flags on one page
  • printable 21 Ukraine flags on one page

Jigsaw of Ukraine flag
Print out different flags of countries of the world onto an A4 page and cut carefully around the large and small angles of a jigsaw template. An example rectangular jigsaw template is the following:

For professional design use: our printable Ukraine flag is easy to modify and suitable for professional (or amateur) designers.

For children: key ways with such Ukraine Flag flashcard set is that children learn include playing, being with other people, being active, exploring new worlds, ideas and experiences, talking to themselves, communication with others, meeting physical and mental challenges, being shown how to learn new things, practicing and repeating skills and having fun! 

After downloading, it’s easy for you to adapt this Ukraine Flag template. Using our printable flag templates guarantees you will save time, cost and effort!

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